Using the Discussion Board Properly
This section brought confirmation to my first comment (Forum 1, "The Importance of Discussion in Online Classes) that there is a balance that the instructor must find [for each class] of being involved, without stifling the conversation by participating too much.
It was nice to see that I am not alone in knowing that this can be challenging, however as the "Using Effective Communication" section in Forum 2 indicates, "Online discussions can fail because the instructor is not involved or because he/she is involved.". Seeing that I am not alone in this challenge, reinforces my method of basing interaction on the class/students which will vary from term to term.
Has anyone tried asking students, as indicated in this section, to see what they choose as the most effective? How did that work for you?
I have a colleague who always asks his students (each course) how they prefer to be communicated to and he then used that ONE way to communicate with them. The choices are email, LMS announcements, and Facebook. It's worth a try.
Thanks Dr. Tena, I will consider using this method in future classes.
I think it is important that our communication to students occurs in a format that the University can track. I prefer to have students communicate thru the email provided by the University. The other method that has worked for me is IM.
Super. I'm glad you are trying new things. Hope all goes well in your online courses in 2014. Take care.
Why do you think this is important - to use a method through which the university can track?
Just wondering. Thanks!
Always up for trying new things. If they work AWESOME! If not, scrap it and try something else. Its all about finding what works for the students, which will change from class to class.
Thanks for your well wishes!
You are so right. It's great when something new just takes off and the students (and you) get excited about what's happening in the course. Happy New Year back!
Fortunately or unfortunately for me, I teach graduate students. For the most part, they expect to be included in all decisions regarding the course. I have tried asking students about the degree to which they would like for me to interact in the discussion boards. The answer is usually, "I don't care." I find it interesting that often students want to be involved in decision making, but when asked, they usually have no response.
Dr. Henry Johnson
I agree Dr Johnson! Maybe it is just human nature to know our voice counts, but not put it forth unless told we cannot...?
Wow! I also teach graduate students and don't get the "I don't care" answer. They are very clear how they want to interact and through which methods they want to communicate. Just goes to show you that each class of students is different. Thanks!
Good point. As humans, I guess we need to think carefully about our "nature" and how to perform even if we feel like we're swimming up stream. ;-0
That's an interesting question, Karen. We are required as instructors to provide a minimum number of posts in our discussion forums regardless of the number of students in the course and the students' responses. I have personally experienced a direct study course with only one student. I found it very difficult to meet the expectations of the instructor without overpowering the student.
Sarah and Karen,
Thanks for continuing the conversation. This sounds like an odd requirement. If the instructor is involved too much in the discussion, the students are not learning from each other and being more responsible for their learning. Something to think about.
Just my opinion, that if the students expect to be included in all decisions regarding the course, an "I don't care" response is unacceptable. They can't have it both ways, and I would articulate that to the students.
Right on! Communicating that to students is excellent. We want them to be involved and care about what is going on.
I have a google voice account. My students can call me and text me directly. I find that many students prefer texting to other method of communication. Does anyone have a twitter account associated with their class?
I have used Twitter for announcements, but made it optional for students to follow me on Twitter. Not many chose to do so. Just my experience.