Creating your own multimedia content
Do you find it time consuming to create your own multimedia content (i.e. video, podcast and etc) for your lessons? How long does it take you to prepare such material? And do you find the time spend creating such content make a significant difference compare to the plain text with hyperlinks and other individuals' videos?
I teach some very specific skills concepts and I want the students to grasp the material in specific ways, so I find it very helpful and worthwhile to create my own. The students comment every semester that the videos I create were by far the most helpful element of the course. That is the best justification I can get. I would recommend asking the students what works best for them. You of course need to carefully review other work that is already created for accuracy since anyone can record and post something and i often find incorrect information in ones online.
Herbert Brown III
If you are creating your own video content for any subject then I would say that it is worth the time spent. You want to make sure that your students get the best information that they can for the assignments. When teaching online classes it is sometimes hard to provide them with all of the information that they might need within the time frame or if you want them to excel on an assignment providing them with some additional videos that cover the subject will help them.
I create a lot of videos for all of my classes. My students comment each semester on end of course evals. that the videos are some of the best and most important elements that aid in their learning. That is enough reinforcement to me to keep taking the time to do specific learning videos for them!
Herbert Brown III
I agree with you as well, Herbert. I teach computer science courses where it is important to not just talk about how to use computer software but to demonstrate the various processes and techniques. Videos are much more effective at doing this. It does take me some time (approximately 3-6 times the length) but the benefits to the students are enormous.
I also teach a lot of skills-based computer courses and the videos are invaluable to the students. I will always use them - VERY effective teaching tools.
Herbert Brown III
The students love it and when done right the students understand the topic at hand. However the school where I teach frowns on it. They see it as the instructor disengaging with the students. Where the opposite is the fact.
That is a shame your school does not encourage it. If they ever heard from the actual students I feel like the students would overwhemingly support it. Mine do.
Herbert Brown III
Videos open up a world for the student. They are able to a see exactly what is going on.
Although it takes time initially, I find it very effective and I have found lots of positive feedback from students. I know have a good database of the lessons I teach and reuse them when necessary.
Can you be more specific? How do they open up the world for your students? Do you use them, how?
Herbert Brown III
I do as well and my students also report that they are a very important element of their instruction. I try to reuse mine as much as possible, but since I teach a lot of computer topics I find I have to recreate them on a regular basis.
Herbert Brown III