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You can show respect through on line, from your voice and if there is camera also you can show it to the students

Well stated. This validates the student as well as his/her work. Excellent point.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

I think you can also show respect by asking follow-up questions which demonstrate your interest in what the student has to say. Validating their work makes them feel a part of the learning community.

The best teachers are those that help their students do just this. Very good.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

I agree with you Noel. Some students come in with attitudes or issues. I believe that you are able to break through alot of that by being more aware of each students hurdles. Trying to help them remold themselves into a more professional career or trade.

Your approach to people, as you described, must have already had significant positive impact for many of your students. Keep up the great work!

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

You can show respect in many ways. By your voice, remembering things about them, like how many is in their family, to just listening , when they need someone to just talk to. I try to find out things about my students, and keep a personal record of this , just to remind them , that they matter, and they are not just a student, they are a someone. We even started to send out birthday e-mails, which shows them we care about htem as a whole, not just the student portion. I even send them out after they graduate, to remind them that I care what happens to them, even after they are no longer my student. If you show respect, you will receive it back in many ways. I alway said that you must earn respect, not expect it because you may have more authority than I have.

This is very true. It is not only the right thing to do, but it can have powerfully positive effect on some students' success.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

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