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Showing your presence is difficult in an online environment, due to the lack of physical contact with students. Because you seem to live in a box, so to speak, students often feel intimidated to contact you with any other method than email. Many times students need verbal contact in order to fully feel connected to the course.

Students have varying learning styles and are often afraid to ask questions or state more than just an "I agree" response in discussions due to insecurity with their own ability. It is important to guide them into the conversation or to ask questions so that the student can obtain a clear understanding of the material. In order to guide them it may require replying to their discussion questions with direct questions that will lead them to respond. Another way to guide them is to set up a phone connection so that the student feels comfortable speaking with you and that may guide them into an active participation in the course because they feel that you are a real person, instead a mysterious person behind the screen.

Probably trying to really recognize when a student needs assistance and monitoring progress very consistently in order to make sure students are getting the correct kind and amount of clinical or educational support.

It is often difficult to truly see a student's deficiencies in a course. Often it takes a series of individual questions to comprehend what a student doesn't understand or how they're being challenged. Extended office hours can help when the instructor can 'speak' to a student 1 on 1.

I use the chat sessions for lectures and frequently will schedule extra lectures on material. All of it is archived and announced in the open class area. It has also been helpful to post essay information and resource links in the DB area.

Finally I send a letter to each student at the end of the first week offering support should they need it. Of course, assignment comments are a natural way to individualize feedback.

I believe the dynamic of physical presence and body language as others have stated in their posts will be a challenge. Motivation will also be another challenge. One of my doctoral professors set the example in one of her online courses. She would email me and other students and provide feedback on assignments, posts and papers with a simple closing statement “Ever cheering you onward!.” Although she passed during one of our courses those words still ring in my mind ever day and with the other students that were in my program. She epitomized the “guide on the side.”

This is a great one! Body language is critical. I can also say that misinterpretation can be huge. How many examples in our professional or personal life could each of us share about a time we sent a text or email that was misinterpreted or received one and misinterpreted it? I think the face-to-face conferencing allows me the opportunity to clear up any misconceptions. These conferencing events also allow for body language and real interaction.

I agree that instructor presence is more difficult to feel in online learning. I remember taking online courses in my undergraduate studies and it was very frustrating. I often felt as though my instructor was unavailable. I try to avoid having my online students experience the loneliness I felt when taking courses online. Some ways I do this is by holding weekly face-to-face conference calls. This allows us to interact using online conferencing. I enjoy seeing my students and hope they also get benefit from seeing me. I encourage all instructors to do a video chat weekly. I also use the bio thread throughout the course and not just as the introduction. I often return to the bio threat to chat about topics students noted in their introductions such as an interest in running or a favorite past time. I think the biggest challenge I face is the one previously mentioned, feeling real to the students. I want to avoid being a cyber-instructor and become a real instructor interacting in a cyber-environment.


I have typically made them voluntary as well. However, I have reminded them on regular occasions that the live sessions are like help sessions and it is there opportunity to get personalized help. When they need the extra help or clarification they attend, which is ok since that is really my goal - their learning. I try to record all sessions as well and student DO go back and review them. I also make myself available for one-on-one live sessions if they need more help and some students DO take advantage of that as well. You have to be careful with accreditation as well. If you are accredited as a synchronous program you can require the sessions, but if you were accredited as an asynchronous program then they should be optional - depending on your accrediting agency.

Herbert Brown III

This is a great idea, Herbert, and one I have tried to implement several times but there is always either a problem with technology, or hardly any students show up. My students are all around the world (literally!) and they seem to resent having to be somewhere at a given time. This is why live chats are voluntary, I know, but then even fewer students attend! Have you found a good solution to this problem? (Sorry if you've discussed this in this thread; I haven't yet read all the messages in it yet!).


What about synchronous tools? Can you have a planned "LIVE" session once a week just for this type of discussion?

Herbert Brown III

One of my biggest challenges would not being able to do an impromptu discussion about something current. In the classroom setting it is very easy to discuss a current event, new technology, or even something totally off topic. In the online arena this requires sending a group message or developing a new forum topic, then waiting for everyone to respond. It takes the excitement out of the discussion.

Interaction has proven to be challenging in the online environment. To develop more personal interaction outside of providing feedback, we send 3-4 messages a week to each student. These messages may include assignment / project reminders, outside resources, and/or advanced skills to take their projects to the next level.

The biggest challenge in transitioning will be establishing your presence. You won't be there, so the student can't see your mannerisms, facial expressions, body movement, tone of voice and eye contact. So as an instructor, the words that you communicate to the students, via email,chats,discussions, will have to establish that presence for you.

I know what you mean about the body language, Jared. Body language is definitely effective while teaching. Certain gestures or facial expressions at specific points...

The students' body language is helpful as well, you can tell who is not focused and who is engaged.

I also like what you said about reading what the intent of the message is. It can be difficult to feel out the tone/inflection of words when reading text.


Their feeling does have an impact on the interpretation of your e-mail, but I have found that the tone and wording are more important. If I am warm and clear in my email the student is less likely to read it the wrong way. When I get in a hurry and just respond with the hard facts, I usually get responses about how insensitive I am. It is a fine line at times and sometimes I fail at it. Although the more I do it, the better I get.

Herbert Brown III

Typing a response to someone can be difficult. The funny thing is, at this point in time, it almost seems that sending written word (text, e-mail) is becoming MORE preferred for everyone.

I am finding that people in general (students and co-workers) tend to read e-mails with what ever their specific "feelings" are at the time.

If someone is mad, they read your e-mail in a "mad" tone.

This does make it difficult to communicate in an online course as well as make your presence known.


This is not uncommon. It sounds like you are taking a proactive approach and that is definitely the first step. Use all of your contact information for the student to try to reach them and get them back on track. Some schools have dedicated advisers or counselors for the students who might be able to help you reach the wayward student. Continue to encourage them to contact you to discuss the course and content and make it clear to them that their success is dependent on them making contact with you.

Herbert Brown III

My biggest challenge is the body language from the student. Sometimes I can not even get the student to respond to e-mail. I have tried calling the student so I can hear something in their voice to help them to be successful in school.


I was/am this way as well. I find I have to read over my email messages to students carefully and I try to mentally read them from the student perspective to determine if what I am saying might be misunderstood. This has definitely helped. I also find that you feedback on assignments I have to consciously make sure I mention a few good things they did and not just hit what is wrong - then I look too critical and not supportive enough. It is a fine line at times.

Herbert Brown III

The biggest problem I have is my directness. I have a tendency to respond without taking into consideration how my students will react to my comments. It is something I am working on continuously.

I feel that the biggest challenge in transitioning to a "guide on the side" role will be to sit on their side of the computer screen and objectively measure the quality of what they are provided as far as on-line educational course content and interactions.

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