Lisa, you make a good point. One of the purposes of online is convenience for the student to find time to do a course. There are so many factors to consider with online chats. But no excuses should be permitted for late work, if assign with enough time to complete the project.
Maybe offering a bonus for students who particapate in 95% or more of the sessions.
Jo Anna:
I interpret your answer to mean that we can be lenient when it comes to participation in Chat sessions because there might me extenuating circumstances for not being able to participate in all sessions. There could be extenuating circumstances contributing to late submission of assignments. shouldn't we be lenient in these cases too?
I believe that it depends on the structure of the class. If the chat session is recorded and the student has access to listen to the recording at his/her convenience, points should be deducted. Important information is reveal in the chats and I feel that student participation should be mandatory.
Without rules the student actually doesnt get the same experience as one that has rules and the rules are followed, students like the structure and understand that it is to make them a more employable person
I disagree with your point deduction system. Each instructor should abide by the university policies on late assignments, attendance, and point deductions. The policies should not be adjusted per individual instructor and course.