In a chat session, two students being to argue with one another and their discussion becomes heated. As the instructor, I'm successful in gaining control over the chat and get it back on track. However, after the chat, I would be of the opinion that both students should be contacted to remind them of the importance of "Netiquette".
I'd like to hear other's opinions on how to follow up on a situation like this.
Sharing with students the rules of online communication in Chat sessions should be mandatory. Nevertheless, some students are likely to be argumentative in a disruptive manner. First instance, I will do exactly as you have been doing-----Counsel after. If the student continues to be disruptive, I will drop the student from the Chat sessionas soon as there is adequate evidence to indicate he or she will become disruptive. I do not know whetehr the Course Delivery Platform you are using has the functionality to enable you to drop students from a Chat sesion.
I would also assume that if a student is being so disruptive as to require removal from a chat, they are also likely to be not meeting their commitments for the rest of the course work.
Thanks for your advice, Patti
This is a fair assumption to make; however, there may be students who are disruptive; yet at the same time they maybe fulfilling their commitments.
My experience, in this case all in a traditional classroom environment, tells me that the disruptive student is never "labeled" as disruptive unless he/she has been a negative influence within the class on a number of occasions. I can't think of a single instance where this was true - when that student was also not fulfilling most of the other commitments of the class. I also believe that the instructor has to be sure to treat this disruptive student fairly in those other areas of commitment - not letting his/her behaviors to change how the student is treated in those other areas.
Hi Patricia,
I agree that the students should be counseled. However, depending on what is being said, it may help to provide a response and let students know that it is important to respect each other, even when they disagree. If the situation becomes a situation of conduct, it is important to stop it right away and address the underlying concerns. I had had that happen where it has lead to other students feeling discriminated against. Often times the heated discussions can lead to great teaching moments.
Hi Patricia,
I am glad that you got the situation under control in the chat session. What I would then do is delete those heated conversations from the discussion forum.
I would contact each student via email or telephone and then discuss the situation with each separately.