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Introduction to Students

I personally send each student an email prior to the start of their course with me to introduce myself and set the groud work. I end with telling them I look forward to having them fo the next xxxamount of weeks and for them to successfully complete the course.

You may want to include other kinds of information in your Introductory piece. For example, asking students what their expectations are for taking the course.

I have a main blog that all the students see when they first login. They can read about my accomplishments and education. I do get some comments sometimes about all the things that I have done. But this lets them know how qualified I am and I know what I am talking about. It usually give me their respect right away. Also each week they have forum question to respond to for points. But in the first week, I type of one forum discussion about my expectations in the course. I ask everyone to read and respond, so I know that we are all on the same page. They do not however get points for this. It is just something that I do at the beginning of each class.

The nature of your Introduction does convey your qualifications to instruct on the Subject. Setting your expectations is a landmark to enable students to at least quantify the degree of effort they have to expend, and thus help them to manage their time more effeciently.

I believe a good method of introduction includes some background information on the facilitator's educational and work experiences, AND a little information what the facilitator does for FUN!!


A typical Instructor Biography consists of statements of Academic credentials as well as professional experience. Of course, the inclusion of hobbies can be included; so can images and video-clips.

That is a great idea. Touching base witht he student before the class starts also helps to confirm the number of students in your class.

I use this method as well. I think personally reaching out makes a difference.

Yes, personally reaching out to a student can really make a difference. Are there other ways you reach out to students in the online environment?

Students enjoy fun little icebreaker questions at the beginning of a live chat session. Since this is Thanksgiving week, last night I asked my students what they were preparing for Thanksgiving dinner. We all enjoyed sharing our dinner menus. A brief and fun little discussion like this puts the students at ease and makes everyone feel welcomed into the online chat room before moving into our course lesson.

Great idea Jeanette. Do you have other questions you use as icebreakers that you could share with us?

It is great that you send students a personal e-mail. It is alos good to tell them a little about your self in order to build confidence with them. Also a brief discussion of your expectations woudl be beneficial

All three of your ideas are a great way to introduce students to the class and to the instructor. I also think it is helpful when students introduce themselves. It helps create common interest among the students as well as the instructor.

This is how I start out classes in person as well. It is very important to me that my students get to know me as a person, as well as my professional experience. In this way, they get to know me, and their comfort level in terms of telling me a bit more about themselves, rises.

I find that my students appreciate my candor, and they also appreciate the syllabus and other groundwork that I lay out from the get-go. An introduction is a great way to lay the groundwork for the course.

An introduction is a great way to reach out to the students. They can learn a little bit about you and you can learn about them. It is a great technique! Thanks for sharing your ideas Beth.

I think that is a great way for students to feel welcomed into the online class and also enables them to see that you truly do care. I agree that it is important to add information about your background as well as hobbies.

I agree with you Alicia! Thanks for your comments.


The introduction to students is very important. It sets the tone for engaging the students in concrete dialogue. The student perceives the type of instructor through the introduction given as the language and choice of words dictate the professor's personality.

I'm agrreing with ms.Satrohan on these introductory matter.There are many ways of introduction but most importantly , the first introduction has to have an impact on the students ex. instructors academics achievement , motivation to students , objectives , expectations and related experiences with of course a projectile and a firm voice during these intro.Very important to capture the students attention on the very first day of meeting

Hi Melissa,
Each instructor and student alike post their profile via our CMS technology. There is also a link for "Course Introductions Forum" in our CMS. The first order of business is for students and instructors to introduce themselves through this forum. In addition, I also send a welcome email to the students on the first day of class.

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