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I have learned that it is very important to keep in mind that the level of expertise of maneuvering through the class online may vary from student to student and that the instructor will have to assist them if they run into technical difficulties, as this may become frustrating to the student.

As a new on-line instructor, I found the information about operating all of the learning platform functions important. I do need to spend the time to become proficient on this. If the students are using it I need to be able to help them for routine matters,


It never occurred to me that some students may not be 100% familiar and comfortable with the CMS, so I have never thought to orient them to it. Likewise, I didn't realize all the things that I needed to know, such as how to print out reports. 


As a online instrutor i is very important to know and understand  your CMS as well as Nature of the course.

I have been teaching for almost 11 years now. So much has changed. One thing I am greatful for is the ability to adapt and learn how to change with the times. The online environment has come a long way in the years that I've been teaching. I am so happy there are tools to enhance the way we deliver materials to students. It's great that we have the online platform to deliever live lectures, so the students learning will continue with limited disruptions. It's also important to know who and where you can get online support at a moments notice. 

The role of the online instructor is critical to the total success of the program, course, instructor, and the students.  Many roles may have to be modeled in order to meet the needs of the diverse student demographics and how each student learns and participates or takes responsibility for one's learning.  I must be flexible and adaptive as well as considerate in assisting the various students in meeting their goals.


Students will bail on an online education if they encounter significant details accessing and using the CMS.


This was very useful information. The online coure structure, responsibilities, and expectations really will assist me in buidling and teaching an individual curriculum.


I will need to improve my understanding of the structure and functions of the online modules - based upon this great discussion


learners have a higher sense of comfort and security when they are convinced that someone will be there to support them and make their learning experience a successful one.

That although the CMS is the same, all instructors will have their individualized approach, also you should be organized and detail oriented to ensure the success of your students and the couirse. I as well as the students need to understand the course delivery system and how to track student performance. 

I have learned that their is a lot more to online learning. As an instructor, we need to know and provide a lot of things for the students.

although online learning is for many more convenient it may cause frustration to those that do not have adequate support for the system

I think that although it may be convenient for some, the lack of systems resource can cause many frustrations

The online learning platform is constantly evolving allowing for accessibility for all learners. Instructors need to know how the platform works in order to best service the user. 


cms Function and operation is important to no take focus away from the online learning experience on all levels 

At the present day and time, technology evolve while we are sleeping.  E-learning provide various ways to get the job done for teachers and students.  To implement a successful platform the teacher must have knowledge how to use it effectively.


Knowledge of the online Platform is key!

Some people may be under the false assumption that on-line teaching is the same as in-person teaching, only done via an online platform.

Not so!  Teaching on-line requires attention to specific skills in addition to your expertise and knowledge in the subject area.  Items that one may not have even considered during in-person instruction, because they do them rotely and automatically requires some consideration when delivering instruction online.  The basic orientation of the course and the Course Management system employed becomes vital.  The degree of technical support becomes equally important. In order to teach effectively online, one must  make sure that he/she knows how to (according to this module):

  • View the class roster.
  • View student profiles.
  • Post announcements.
  • Post discussion questions.
  • Interpret the trail of responses to discussion questions.
  • Participate in Chat sessions.
  • Drop participants from Chat sessions. A circumstance under which you should do this is when students ignore your warnings and consistently deviate from the topic.
  • Respond to students' input.
  • Generate a summary of each discussion forum.
  • Delete postings from the discussion forum.
  • Review events in the calendar.
  • Post events in the calendar.
  • Manage group projects.
  • Manage the grade book. Enter as well as modify scores.
  • Generate student activity reports.


Planning a SOS course (STUDENT ORIENTATION COURSE  is a big help and will help teachers to understand students learning styles.  Expectations of classes and introduction to assignmens can help students complete assignments and projects. 

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