Formative assessments, integrated into instructional design, evaluate and adjust teaching methods to personalize education for diverse learning styles. Summative assessments, such as tests and presentations, were designed to align with course outcomes and Bloom's Revised Taxonomy levels to accurately assess students' understanding and skills.
I enjoyed the key components of feedback.
I learned what effective feedback should consist of and the varied methods I can deliver that.
Providing meaningful feedback is imperative to the students learning and retention of the material being taught.
Having a balance between formative and summative is ideal when teaching an online course because it provides the students as well as the teacher with what is being taught/learned. I also learned how to make a more thorough/ in depth rubric that will help students with specifics.
Meaningful feedback is essential for student success, therefore, we need to take time when drafting feedback.
Having immediate feedback for students via comments in test sounds like a great idea!
I am encouraged to start using more audio feedback for my rubric responses
The importance of peer-assessments
Provide feed back to the students.
For our weekly course discussion which I grade according to a rubric, I will be more aware of pointing out the rubric requirements and how it will impact their grade for the assignment.
Meaningful feedback was what stood out the most. I now greatly understand the reason for a rubric. A rubric is helpful when wanting to give visual feedback on a student's work. Students have a visual on the expectations for a project. I can use a rubric to help students visually see what the standard is for writing their LRS papers. This will help me grade their paper in a fair way and give them feedback on why they obtain a certain grade
I believe that this was a very important and helpful module for improving the grading process overall. Key Take-Away: Assessment is the vehicle to improved learning and teaching. Also: Formative assessments are provided within and throughout the course and are not designed to be graded. Summative assessments are provided at the end of a lesson, unit, or course and are designed to be graded. So, balancing both of these types of assessments is a very important process. Rubrics are also very important and helpful. Rubrics streamline the grading process while providing meaningful feedback and promoting learning. All of the details learned in this module will help to improve learning overall.
I learned that it is important for students to have a clear understanding of the rubric and learning objectives. There should be both formative and summative assessments used by students and instructors. Feedback is important and should be individualized and meaningful. However, instructors can also provide too much feedback.
Feedback is extremely important in order for the student to know how to better themselves. I will be more consistent doing this.
Assessment plans are not just for the student; they show where a learning deficit occurred. This will help you see what you did not teach effectively. Formative assessment is crucial to keeping your students and class on target. It will help you and your students better understand whether course progression is on target or if you need to help the student in an area where they feel lost.
Recently I have begun using video feedback... I don't know if students watch them or not.
The level of learning objectives was a good reminder. Sometimes I am not sure which one is appropriate to use.
The importance of assessment to understand how well am I teaching
It is important to remember that formative assessments don't just monitor student comprehension; they help instructors know how they should tailor their teaching to help students.