Understand the technology tool and its purpose before using in a course.
I have learned a variety of online teaching options and teaching styles, what the can accomplish and why I might choose to use them in my virtual classroom. It was good to think about. I generally just use whatever the supervisor suggests. But as we enter this new way of life, it will be good to conform the setting more to my liking and teaching style.
Matching teaching tools to teaching styles can streamline output of content.
Technology allows opportunity to reach all students with various learning stlyes.
There are many online tools available, I need to research them and find ones that work for me.
It's very important to know and understand the outcomes you want the students to attain in a course (or individual lecture/lab) and chose tools that will help support you. This, in turn, creates a more engaging classroom.
I learned that instructors and faculty must not only seek to find the best technology tools for their courses, but first reflect upon their own teaching styles on how their content is currently delivered when deciding on effective technology tools.
I found the comment about the different teaching styles to be particularly interesting. I have never really reflected on my teaching style as I teach a large number of courses and tend to adapt my style to the needs of the class. Thinking about this carefully, however, may enable me to come up with a solution and set of tools that best leverage my strengths AND the need of the class.
From this lesson, I have learned that I need to ask specific questions to make sure that the student is getting all the help he/she needs. Plus, by asking the student what should I stop doing, what should I start doing, what should I continue doing, will help the student become a better learner. This will also help me self evaluate on what I need to do to become a better instructor.
There are many different technology tools available for an instructor to use. It is important to match the tool with your teaching style in order to create a "good fit" for both students and instructors. It is important to not only reflect om and identify your style but to be very familiar with various tools that will fit, do not settle for just looking at one, choose to look at a variety of tools available.
Knowing your learning style is important as is researching and knowing available technology in order to select the correct tool for student learning and engagement.
I learned that the most Virtual Classroom is the most interactive learning environment for the students
I learned that, while there are many technologically sound tools available for online teaching, it's best to evaluate each tool and use only the tools that best fit the specific needs of the class I am teaching, as well as those that best align with my teaching style.
I learned that, while there are many technologically sound tools available for online teaching, it's best to evaluate each tool and use only the tools that best fit the specific needs of the class I am teaching, as well as those that best align with my teaching style.
Finding what works and integrating it with current technology is key. Teaching is an organic function that must adapt to needs. If something works, keep it. If something doesn't work, find out why and make changes.
My most important take-away was to assess for both instructor and students, whether teaching styles and tech tools are working for both parties (not just teaching/learning, but also reaching outcomes), and if not (or are sub-optimal), then it's time to investigate/evaluate other options.
It is important to assess the technology that you are considering using to ensure that it is appopriate for what the stuents are learning, how you plan to deliver the material, and whether or not it fits your teaching style. This will ensure that learning is at the highest capacity.
I learned that different technology can assist your delivery of content in an onine class.
I learned the importance of tayloring the teaching tool with the teaching style while keeping in mind the intended fuction of the tool relative to the desired outcomes.
Finding the right balance of technology, from the instructor's use, the student needs and accessibility, and the purpose of said technology is key to putting together the best program with positive outcomes.