I learned that there is some value to taking classes online. It is definitely growing in popularity possible since we are now in the computer age. Younger students are now growing up with technologies so it only makes since to incorporate it in their learning. The key is to make sure they are grasping the content while becoming critical thinkers in the process.
online learning, it does not minimize the challenge still with educators to develop strong thinkers and students who can use what they have learned in a meaningful way.
It is important to make students feel comfortable asking questions and communicating with the instructor in an online setting. New technologies don't mean students will automatically be engaged, it needs to support the learning outcome.
Students learn 5x more info in an online class according to IBM.
The role we have as an instructor was really highlighted for me in this section of the CE course. The expectations we bring to class, our planning, and then interacting - and how this must be “on topic, timely, relevant, and directly connected to each student” are key takeaways
Online learning is a great way to reach students