Using Multiple Technology Methods
I have found that when using technology you must know your audience. I have so many students that respond well to emails. But there are some students who I believe do better in group forum and are more eager to participate with open group lines of communication.
Chantee ,
You got that right. The more we know and understand our audience, the more we can tailor how to communicate and help them learn. Thanks!
I absolutely agree. E-mail seems to be still best in most situations; however, I have found that students, particularly those who are uncomfortable typing, respond well in verbal settings (i.e. teleconferencing, VoIP). While students, of course, understand that the virtual environment requires a great deal of independent learning, the use of a communication tool (or at least knowing the tool is available), brings a sense of ease to the learning process. While we as instructors may be quite comfortable with any given communication tool, the priority is that the student can make use of it. Otherwise, anything we attempt to communicate to them (or vice versa) becomes null and void; thus, the learning process is hindered.
I have over 200 students in my class so we use the discussion board for questions about course content so much more than email. It helps other students see the questions/answers and alleviates my email overload.
I have noticed, as a student, and as an instructor that, nowadays, the multiple technology methods are supposed to improve the learning for the student, but somehow, also confuses the student trying to get back into the education path. Even those that have been professional students like myself.
We want to strive to not confuse the students, but enhance their learning through the technology. Thanks for your input.