Consider the student
During my tenure in online teaching, I have found that there are various reasons why a combination of communication tools should be used in a class. E-mail is "king", particularly in a asynchronous setting. However, other tools are needful in general, but not effective for the student. For example, I may have a single mother of 3 who works full-time while taking 2 classes online. The use of teleconference may not work well due to the massive amount of responsibility she must shoulder alone while advancing her career. However, she may be an avid e-mailer based on her schedule. I've also had a student wherein English was not their first or most fluent language. This particular student had difficulty typing, and only preferred to do so if necessary. However, the student frequently used our VoIP site with me to discuss issues in the class. We must be flexible and consider the needs of the students first, and how it works together in the class to meet the course objectives.
How long have you been teaching online. This is good advice. Thank you.
I couldn't agree more. The traditional tools are considered for traditional students. However, we must also consider those students who have physical disabilities where the traditional communication tools would not be effective. The instructor would need to research the technology communication needs of our students with disabilities and ask for guidance from the Disability Services Administrator.
Thanks for bringing up the idea about asking for guidance from Disability Services. We have to meet all students' needs. Nice job.