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Communication and Communication guidelines

Communication is essential in online courses. Having the support of online communication tools is essential in nursing courses (Morely, 2014)
. Having guidelines for proper communication is also necessary. It is important for me to establish such guidelines at the start of a course.


Morley, D. A. (2014). Supporting student nurses in practice with additional online
communication tools. Nurse Educ Pract. 14(1):69-75.


Communication is the BIG "C" word in online learning. The guidelines for communication set the stage for everything. Good job.

Thank you again. EL 105 was great!


Excellent. Thanks for your comments. We work hard to make these courses something that you need.

I agree strongly with this comment and the ideas presented in this course so far. I like the idea of a 'communication code pf conduct.' While most students function fine with a few guidelines, such as "we are not texting, so use Standard English" and "be respectful," a few find the open forum nature of our discussion board an opportunity to voice opinions that might be offensive to others. I have had to take that "peace-making" role when this happens. More frequent are the sarcastic remarks that students make in private e-mails to me when they don't understand something or they are mad at the whole system. If I set of the "communication code of conduct," I could refer these students there and save time and effort!


Being respectful helps students be more professional and codes of conduct exist in business as well. Keep it up.

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