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Why Rubrics?

Rubrics are performance-based authentic assessments that evaluate student performance on any given task or set of tasks that ultimately leads to a learning outcome. Rubrics use specific criteria as a basis for evaluating or assessing student performances as indicated in narrative descriptions that are separated into levels of possible performance related to a given task.

A rubric is a working guide for students and teacher, normally handed out before the assignment begins. A rubric enhances the quality of direct instruction.

Dr. Marcia L. Brown, PMP


Like the term working guide. You know, as I think about it, that may be a better name to use on the rubric itself to help students understand how to use them to their benefit. Thanks!

I think that the phrase performance-based authentic assessments sums up the rubric very well. It is a tool used to assess student progress or performane and it provides students with instructor expectations in order to set the tone for success from the beginning.


Good term. Project-based and performance-based are used many times when we thing about what students should do. We want to help them reach the learning outcomes by doing.

Thanks for your input.

When i first started teaching I did not know or understand the value of using rubrics for assessing learning. I have started to create rubrics and now my students understand why the received a certain grade. Grading is a lot more specific and consistent when you use a rubric.


Excellent. Many new teachers are not familiar with rubrics, but when the use them wisely, they see the benefits. Thanks!

Why Rubrics very good question. When I first started teaching I saw no value in them, but then after using them in one or two courses I saw a change in student attitudes and performance. So now I use them all the time. I think the most positive thing about rubrics is that it give the students direction as to what they need to do and how they will be evaluated. Bottom line they keep students focused on what the have to do in order to accomplish the tasks assigned. The only thing I find is sometimes students will only do what is required in the rubric and not go outside the box.


WOW! You learned from your experiences. That says a lot. Glad you use them now and you are seeing improvements in your students' work. Thanks for sharing.

I thinkt that rubrics not only make grading easy for instructors, but they are great for students: they let students know what is expected of them, and demystify grades by clearly stating, in age-appropriate vocabulary, the expectations for a project. They also help students see that learning is about gaining specific skills (both in academic subjects and in problem-solving and life skills), and they give students the opportunity to do self-assessment to reflect on the learning process.

Willie ,

Yes, some believe rubrics help students more than they help instructors, but the key is that they help everyone involved. Nice job.

Rubrics = consistency for me, from session to session or from instructor to instructor. Rubrics are the backbone of the courses integrity. Some instructors that I have known have had real issues with rubrics, stating that they are an academic crutch, not giving the instructors the academic and professional freedom to "judge" the assignments from their professional view point.



Another good point - about the consistency from one instructor another. This is important when many sections of the same course are being offered. Thanks!

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