To assess student performance consistently, especially as related to outcomes and objectives of the course. I love to use rubrics as I do feel it gives me a more consistent approach in my grading as well as criteria for justification of why points were earned or deducted.
Those are good points Anthony. Often, students read the directions for an assignment but they might miss something here or there. I always refer students to the rubric so they can be certain of what I will be looking for an expecting in their work.
Thanks for your poste. And, don't forget that rubrics help the students as well. I'm glad you relate your rubrics to the objectives too. Nice job.
Stephanie and Anthony,
You are both right on target. When you can refer the students to the rubrics for further direction, it is helpful.
Thanks again.
It helps the instructor recognize those areas of the assignment that may need more emphasis. The rubric can be used for several purposes. It offers clear communication of the assignment expectations.
Twyla ,
Yes. The rubric helps both the instructor and students both before and after the assessment process. Thanks for your input in this forum.
Dr. Crews,
The role of a rubric is to mirror project outcomes/objectives. It is used as a roadmap to consistently measure and evaluate student work in many areas such as comprehension of content, critical thinking, and quality of writing.
And don't forget the role the rubric plays in the role of the instructor. Instructors will be able to assess more objectively to help the students improve. Thanks.
The role of a rubric allows the instructor to properly assess the students' work on the content presented, how they presented, and how effectively. The communication aspect would align with rubrics because of the need to properly and clearly communicate the messages that allows for the student to demonstrate his or her understanding of the learning material. The criteria that is pre-established based upon the learning objectives and the assignment instructions sets the "boundaries" of what the content needs to contain.
Tina Means
Great explanation. Rubrics do help all stakeholders. Thanks for adding to the conversation and helping others understand more clearly with your post.
I like that... the rubric takes the subjectivity out of the grading process. The key for me is making sure that the students have access to the rubric before they begin an assignment and then I use the rubric when I am grading their work after they complete the assignment. This way they have a clear and specific understanding of how they received the points they did on their assignment.
The role of the rubric in my opinion is to provide structure to the process of course assignments. The rubric provides a clear structure and point allocation for each assignment so that the student has a clear understanding of the tasks and steps they must complete to receive a certain score when completing an assignment.
Oh yes, we need to make sure students not only have access to the rubrics beforehand, but they review it. I use peer evaluation in a formative way to allow peers to assess each other with the rubric before they turn in their assignment. Then, everyone has to look at the rubric. Thanks!
What you say is true. And, it's beneficial for both the instructor and the students.
Thanks again for your postings.
The role of the rubric is to give objective guidance and direction to the students when it comes to the assignment. If the student has the rubric before the assignment, they know what is expected of them. Having a rubric gives clarity to the expectations of the assignment which helps the student follow the direction and guidance the first time.
Yes, what you described about the rubrics helping the students is true. Don't forget that the rubrics also help the instructors as well. Thanks!
The role of a rubric is to clearly explain to the students how they will be assessed for the work they do in the course.
Ah, yes. But, how do rubrics help the instructor? It's a tool that helps both the students and instructors.
The rubric gives the instructors and students clear understand of expectations. It allows the grading to be fair and justified as well as clear goal for the students to meet when they want to achieve good grades and reviews.
Right on. The rubric assists both instructors and students. They make the expectations more clear and help students understand how to reach the objectives. Thanks!