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Wow, students were I am sure surprised. It is true, students can't take criticism. They haven't heard much. I wonder if we could create a online trophy. Would that work! :)

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You are right! Early intervention is the key. I use tools in my LMS to help me by letting me know about access/or lack of in the LMS. Good post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You have a great post. You are right, structure is the key to online learning success.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You are right, it is important to provide guidance to lead students away from this type of behavior.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


What a great idea. I like the idea of posting articles on success! Great post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


I don't believe in busy work but it is hard to explain to students that it isn't busy work; they may actually have to do that type of work in the real world.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


Yes, you are right. This is particularly true of first generation students. Family may not respect going to school like they do work.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You are so right. I do monitor access in the LMS as I can determine when they last checked in. It is so helpful.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


That is an interesting perspective. You do want all engaged in some way.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


Great idea. They need to learn there are resources that will help them in the online environment.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You make a great point. Combine this with a shortened class period that often happens in an online course and it can signal failure.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You are so right! So many students won't look for help although they are very good information seekers when they want to be. Again you want students to be student responsible

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


What a great point! I hadn't thought about planning for contingencies! Do students look at the classwork holistically or do they just go from assignment to assignment; I would bet the latter.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


What a great post. I think you may have to let them have a small failure to make the points.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You are so smart! You have to model some of the skills that you want your students to acquire. Great examples!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


I think you are smart creating those "learning checks" . Great post!

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


I agree with your post! If you can share your experiences of online learning it goes a long way with your students.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


Online learning does require initiative and I find students today don't always have it. Connecting the learning with the real world does help.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


You are right about the planning. They work from assignment to assignment not looking at the course holistically. Great post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


Yes, Yes, Yes! Students will fight about bonus points yet not turn in an assignment.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

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