Online Techniques
Are there any online techniques that you are willing to share that you have found successful? For me, having one on one sessions via the LMS has really been successful for students struggling in my class and really want to succeed.
Then that strategy works for you! I find one on one is better than group. I do use chat for virtual office hours. I also use a general discussion board that students must use to post general questions before asking me.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Hi Roshawna,
One of the things I do is hold my office hours via a platform. Students are able to come into the platform and ask as many questions as they would like. I teach mathematics and I use a whiteboard so when students need to see a problem done on the board, I use this whiteboard. Sometimes I will have a student call me over the phone and we are speaking while I am showing the work for the problem. This has been very successful. I also post some helpful videos that are related to the topics I am covering. This way, this is another reinforcement on the skills I taught that week. Hope this helps!
Elizabeth Salgado