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Does anyone feel that blogging takes too much time?

While blogging is a great tool, does anyone else feel that students already feel so overloaded that they just will not participate?


This is not an "add-on" this has to be part of the assessment plan for the student. This doesn't ever need to be "busy" work. Traditional students won't take it seriously and nontraditional students won't do it.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

Because many students are "overloaded" as it is, I think that we have to view blogging as a "replacement" for, not an addition to, other educational tools.

For many of us, our "comfort levels" and previous experience will tempt us to stick with "what we know works", at least at first; as we try to utilize the familiar as the foundation into which we will incorporate a new tool; until eventually we are comfortable enough to drop some of the old. When this happens, the new activities just become burdensome "add-ons" that ultimately increase the stress levels of virtually all of the people involved.

I think that as teachers, we must really learn about the technology, really think about, and put a plan in place that will replace at least some of the old "stand-bys" with the new. Like taking a dive off of a diving board, you have to know how to swim at least a little before you make the jump.


You make a great point. I think we do tend to add rather than replace and that does cause overload for everyone! You need to look at what you are trying to accomplish with that tool.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

No, not if it is presented in a manner that offers an opportunity to the student to be a part of something-like connecting to another voice- not presented to the student as "another piece of homework to done" which puts the emphasis on task not a supplement to their learning and exploring. Blogging, when approached from the perspective as a tool to use to gather more information and expand perspective, the student can become engaged in the process of interacting with others. Because of its 'anytime, anyplace' nature, I feel it lets the students continue their reflections whenever they are motivated by another persons blog.


You are SO right. it can't be busy work. It must have a purpose and it must be assess accordingly. We can't just keep piling on work just because we want to try something new. Great post.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I do agree. I have a hard enough time getting students to answer ad reply to simple discussion board threads.

I think the term "goal-displacement" applies here. Are we looking for quality or quantity?


Phil Lewis


I think we have to look at this assignment not as an add on but integrated to meet the objectives of the course. You should never add work or a new technology to a course without making sure that it meets the goals of the course. That is busy work for both the instructor and the student and will cause frustration to both.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

In all honesty, Morissa, I have to say that I sometimes do. While I recognize that it is a means of adding another layer to the material presented in the course, I do fee like students dislike the discussion-part the most! I have tried adding more relevant industry-related topics to the threads to keep students interested as well as giving students different ideas of why the topics we discuss are relevant to them and their studies. As an online instructor, I do find it to be one of the bigger challenges in facilitating online courses, but ultimately I do see why it is a necessary component of online learning since students do not have the option of veering lecturers on a tangent with questions like they do in F2F settings.


Love this discussion! We have to make sure we don't ADD more work that looks like busy work to students. Students have to understand the purpose of the assignment and link that purpose to the outcomes.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson


Love this discussion! We have to make sure we don't ADD more work that looks like busy work to students. Students have to understand the purpose of the assignment and link that purpose to the outcomes.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

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