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Blogging is everywhere, major corporations hire bloggers to buy, try and share knowledge of their products. In the classroom, students can share material, resources and have study groups all online.

Regina ,

I actually use online tools in my f2f courses as they use wikis to write papers. I find my f2f can't meet because of scheduling issues and the online tools provide them with the ability to successfully complete group projects and they love it.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

I agree with that. A blog is a place to share work and invite feedback which leads to improvement and progress. Work posted on a blog may not always be perfect and this simply reflects that both school and student are ready to accept and act on appropriate feedback.

Willie ,

You already know I like your perspective. You want to make sure it is a good fit for your objectives and your students. It should not be an add on just become you want to do it. That seems to be the way of some people and technology.

Dr. Kelly Wilkinson

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