The options regarding the use of online tools seems endless and that i a good thing as different learners have different needs. When lots of tools atre in the toolbox usually the right one for the job is available.
Utilizing multiple tools is important to keep the course interactive and captivating
To enchance the knowledge of the instructor to understand the tool available to make the student more successful in the on-line learning environment, is needed to make both parties comfortable on line.
As stated in the text, When teaching in an online environment, communication tools are essential components for student success. There are a variety of social networking tools to assist in online learning which can promote understanding because we are using tools that students use often like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
According to the text, using social networking sites for learning is a dynamic medium to help students share information and knowledge. Through this dynamic medium, an opportunity is created to develop dynamic online courses which include current news or events and develop perceptions or insights into such events. Engaging students in real-time, authentic learning provides an opportunity for online instructors and students to engage in real-world learning in a more participatory environment.
The use of technology tools in the online class is constantly changing and improving. It is essential to be both aware and wary of tools that improve learning and those that don't. The challenge is knowing the difference between the two.
Utilizing different online tools to assess your students is key to their success.
It is important to use both asynchronous and synchronous tools in the LMS.
I realizie I need to become familiar with multiple social networking sites for all different types of learners. I also need to be aware of technicle requirements and cost.
I do not agree with the points on social networking. There seems to continue to be an idea that individual instructors have creative rights to the LMS format where at my university, these are standardized. The idea that I want students to exchange their work with each other makes it hard in my mind to assess whose work I'm scoring at the end.
Knowing how to professionally use the various socail network platforms can be beneficial to an online learning enviroment.
Although students state they feel comfortable with technology always check to make sure which online technology they are referring to.
It is very important to ask the students what can they and cnat' do in order have a clear knowledge of the ability of the student to engage on the online learning
The value of social media. It was not a tool when I was a student but current students are familiar with social networking sites. Using social networking sites can allow students to use existing skills and adapt to the environment quickly. As a teacher, I need to adapt to allow students the greatest potential success.
it is best to undestand the student and the course you are teaching. Helping them undestand the differeence between the networking system. keeping th estudent focused
When teaching online, instructors tend to assume students have technological skills and this assumption is wrong. Instructors need to be clear and helpful when incorporating different methodologies for conveying information. Students need to be able to ask questions if they are unsure about these formats and instructors must give clear, concise instructions to help students.
A lot of info all at once
I am going to utilize social media. Mayb e Facebook will be the first.
William Myers
Technolgy has become one of the most intricate parts of our world over the years. So to equip and incorporate our students with the knowledge of technology is important. So much of what we do is centered around the language of technology. I have found this section helpful and reassuraning to alot of the processes that I already incorporate and plan to use.
Having the proper tools to help students have clear knowledge for what they are being taught.