I think that students should take assessments before a course begins and at the end as well. This gives the student an idea of what the course will entail and while taking the course they will be reminded of that question that may have been missed.
Mrs. Mitchell
It is interesting that you mention this fantastic tool, since I have recently had students bring this subject/topic up. They themselves would like to see what growth they have had.
I agree with you. I believe that an instructor needs to evaluate the ability of the students as well. It is not necessary to complete formal assessment, informal assessment can be used as a guide or starting point for the level of learning as well as adjustment of learning objectives.
I agree. This will help students focus on the learning and then understand how far they have come!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I agree that it takes both. A student needs to learn what is a "good" project. They may not know that.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I too agree with you Mrs. Mitchell! I find that even though students improve over time, they are discouraged and "hit the wall" and become very frustrated with their progress.
Ms. Cressman
Students come to us with various levels of learning. They frequently miss the point when asked to make corrections for a submission due to poor spelling, grammar, or focus on the question being asked.
Various examples would be helpful!
Ms. Cressman
This is a universal problem. I am concerned that they haven't had many barriers to overcome in their academic lives and don't know how to do it. Maybe we have to help them develop the "hit the wall" survival skills.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
True. I think they have to be able to take the feedback and use it. I am not sure they can do that.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I agree. When students can see their growth, they can truly appreciate how much they have improved and feel inspired to continue to learn.
True, they also need to see their strengths as well as their weaknesses. Good post.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I would agree with this statement. I have found that by doing this a student can see how they have progressed during the time they have taken the course. This also reaffirms to the student that they did walk out of the course with greater level of knowledge at the end of the course compared to when they started.
I never considered giving an assessment before the course, but this is a great idea. This will give the students perspective on how far they have come in the course and what they learned.
It is such a great way for you to determine where to start. You can also ascertain the students that need the extra help.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Taking an assessment before a course begins is a good way to see what needs to be worked on.
Yes it is great for both the student and the instructor. As the instructor I have found, that although the course is the same, every class is different. Depending on how the class assessed, individual modifications to that particular class can be made.
You are right, as instructors we have to be flexible no matter what the environment.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson