Please make sure to use The Lounge to help you apply what you learned in this course. In The Lounge, you can share your successes and challenges in applying the concepts and techniques acquired from your online coursework. You can also learn from the experience of others.
I was empowered from the teaching of the EL106 class. The Performance TV interviews with career college executives were very interesting.
Thank you,
Christopher Davis
Thank you for sharing about the Lounge. I am glad you found EL 106 helpful. Assessment doesn't have to be a mystery!!!
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Hi all, I was in the lounge and felt a little overwhelm there seem to be many different sections and honestly I wasn't sure where to go. I'm sure there is lots of helpful information there but one has to be careful that there isn't too much to explore right upfront. I think this is very important to keep in mind for our students as well.
You are right. I think you must be aware of how your organize discussions. If the discussion is over, close it. It is confusing.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
Hi Jenn,
I also felt a bit overwhelmed in the Lounge at first - it required some exploring. I went to the TV section and watched a very interesting video_ "Student retention: Helping students feel connected" and got additional insight into how to connect further with my students.
I agree with you Mr. Davis
I have learned some great points on how to conduct my class in the future. I would love to use the Webcam to discuss topics. I think some students lack so much time to type reports that using a online film essay would be very cool to see.
Juan ,
I think you are on the right track on using technology strategically. There is research that showing the instructor and the Powerpoints and the other "stuff" that might be on the computer screen may cause cognitive confusion. Saying that, there is value on having "face time" with a student one to one real time is such a powerful tool for student retention and success.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson