I find that those pre-tests can be used later in the course to show a student how far they've come. In my legal classes I use this a lot. In particular, I use a pre-test in contracts with just one test question - "What is a contract?" As we go through the course, I have them pull out their answers from the first day, and we as a class add to that definition based on what we have been covering. The students like it because they can see immediately where they've been and where they are. Anyone else find a diagnostic assessment that can be used in this way?
Great way to use them. I have used items that show how far at student has come in writing. A grade doesn't always convey that.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I use diagnostic assessments in my saucier classes. This way I can be sure of knowledge of a leading sauce prior to introduction of the smaller sauces.
I have to say I have never thought about doing an online saucier class. You really do have to build knowledge and skill on knowledge and skill.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I use this to find out what skillsets students have as they enter my 400 level courses. Many of the courses I teach are software intensive and the students need to be at certain levels in their learning to be successful. The students who had troubles fully comprehending the tools and concepts in their lower level courses but learned just enough to progress need extra help as they are in Senior level courses. Using Diagnostic Assessments allows me to determine what extra information I may need to pull and post in the courses to help students. They allow me to update the learning path of each student with "refresher" content.
Great strategy. With the use of technology you can provide the individualized training for students by using the tutorials that can be created.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
In my opinion, it is always good to give a pre-test at the beginning of a course, followed by a post-test at the end of a course. In this way, one can determine student learning. However, with that said, it is sometimes not possible to give a pre-test for a wide range of reasons. Thus, only a post-test can be given. It is not the best of all possible worlds, but it is sometimes the best that can be achieved.
With technology, I find creating a pre-test is quite easy. I also pretest on technology knowledge also. It provides me a way to gauge technology skills and provides students with individualized instruction.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson
I personally think that pre-tests are underused. They not only enable the instructor to assess what direction to take the class in, they also allow the student to see how far they've come. I begin my marketing courses by asking 'what is marketing?" This simple question serves as a pre-test to establish that most students equate marketing only with promotion. Students are amazed at how much more is involved in marketing.
I agree with you. It can be such a useful tool for the student and the instructor. You can build off the information provided by the diagnostic assessment.
Dr. Kelly Wilkinson