Las rúbricas se componen de una escala con descriptores y criterios. También pueden incluirse estándares e indicadores. Una escala indica los puntos que se asignarán al calificar la calidad de un trabajo.
Rubrics should be made fair and weighted reasonably for the components of the assignments.
To build and create rubrics you need to determine the purpose of the assignment, establish clear criteria, determine the scoring method/sheet, and describe descriptors. And lastly, while creating rubrics we have to be sensitive to the language used.
Lisette Negron
I was unaware there are websites you can access for rubrics. I plan to research that a bit more:)
Rubrics should be clear and you can find examples on the internet
Evaluating your rubrics for effectiveness is essential before you actually use it; however, I have found situations occur that throw a curve ball into the use. I wait to release grades until I have graded all students for fairness and consistency across the board. Sometimes I am actually lenient to the first students to help me not to be too strict in my assessments.
It is important to review your rubric to make sure it performs the way you want it to.
There should be a holistic approach to creating rubrics with regard to the test or benchmark it is referencing.
I did not realize that there are so many rubric/assessment options. This section revealed five of them to me: Alternative Assessment, Analytic Rubrics, Holistic Rubrics, Formative Assessment, and Summative Assessment.
There is no one way to develop a rubric. The rubric can be developed using a multitude of resources that speak directly to what it is that is needed.
I am going to start using resources to help me build rubrics.