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Promoted to a high level stress department

I was recently promoted to a different department as a manager. In this department I deal with stress every day. I will appreciate any insight on how to deal with a very high level of stress on a regular basis.

Mallelyn ,
this is difficult. A couple of quick ideas that might help:
1) is the stress related to personnel or the nature of the job? If related to personnel, what can be done about this? If related to the work, could better planning help? Is there a way to take a strategic view & realize that there are ebbs & flows to the work & so we can plan better for emergencies?

2) Are you taking on more stress than you need to? As the new manager are carrying too much of the load? Can it be dispersed?

Just a couple quick thoughts.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

Thanks for your input Mr. Meers. The stress is related to the nature of the job. I've been doing what I can to diminish the stess but its coming from corporate. It's frustrating because I know my department is doing better since I took over but no matter what we do corporate smees to never be satisfied...

Mallelyn ,
I have been in that same situation myself. One thing as the leader to monitor is how much you are filtering. A good leader filters or buffers a lot of the stress form his/her folks, but realize you can only filter/buffer so much. Monitor your own stress levels as it won't help anyone if you don't take care of yourself.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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