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Spelling Slang

I believe all the text slang has made it more difficult for people to write properly. It also makes it more difficult to understand if you don't use slang often.

The use of spell checks allow the authors the ability to deliver meaningful proses.


I also believe that spell check has made us lazy. For those who choose to use spell check there is also a grammar check that can catch most errors, but malapropisms can get you into trouble and make you seem not so informed. I find that these types of errors do not place too much confidence behind the sender. I worry that when I am composing a message to anyone, that I am clear and concise and that my audience will understand my message.

Yes! I do agree that spell check has made us lazy. Nobody uses a dictionary anymore or even tries to learn how to correct their spelling. Its always whats quicker. Looking anything up is now done on the internet and books are becoming obsolete. Now don't get me wrong I agree with technology in general but sometimes i do believe it makes us lazy. We need a balance to keep us grounded in whats important it's not always whats the quickest way to get things done but what the proper way.


I agree with what you are saying but this appears to be the norm today or at least everywhere I look and I do mean everywhere (people driving cars too), people are texting. I am not sure of what they write but I look at what my teens write (on the computer and phone) and something has went horribly wrong. Do you think that spell check has made us lazy?

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