I struggle with trying to include 'too much' in many of my presentations and need to whittle down to the essence
I struggle with trying to include 'too much' in many of my presentations and need to whittle down to the essence. I assume it is in an effort to impress the audience or to demonstrate that I have a thorough understanding of the topic. I know this is a crutch, but still I struggle with this. Perhaps this is in part due to my learning style with is a bit unorthodox, but it seems I violate many of the principles taught in ML 117 - and I know these are valid. I see other instructors do quite well and in my mind I say I will emulate them, but when my time comes, I seem to always try to 'pack more in' (the same goes with my visuals). If anyone else 'suffers' with this, I'm all ears! Thank you in advance for sharing ideas. ML 117 was a very good tutorial.