Presentation Skills | Origin: ML117
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Presentation Skills
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
The presentation is almost like a "good book". With a beginning, middle and quesntion and answer at the end to tie everything together. All hopefully to have a solution or knowlegde gained from it.
I learned to preplan what to leave out and not rush to meet my agenda. Go with the flow of the audience, get the point across, but possibly present the rest of the material at a later time.
I learned that using visuals for presentations is a a great way to engage the audience.
Getting the audience involed and using good presention skills is essental.
This in great even for daily conversation and written communication.
Very good tips on how to handle certain audiences and how to present with limited time. Knowing your audience is also important. I like the personal noted from real expereinces as I could relate to some of them. Even as an instructor presenting alecture for students I can apply some of these same helpful tools. This may also have me to narrow mty docus and provide more thorough lectures/content.
Keeping the audience engaged.
I have learned that giving a presentation requires sufficient preparation, especially if you have to provide detailed information to a diverse audience.
I have learned from this module that to give an effective presentation, one needs to be intentional and be aware of their audience and the message their trying to get across. Also, being well prepared and knowing the topic that one will be presenting, are important aspects of presenting that the audience pays attention to.
I learned the various diffirent styles of communication and presentation styles. It was very interesting to learn about the call to action and how to capture your audience when you speak.
I completely agree with the idea of reducing clutter in presentations and providing handouts which audience members can look over later for further explanation.
Presentation requires proper planning, knowing your material, your audience, providing audio, visual and kinesthetic data. In making presentations it is ok to be nervous and there are ways to get over that by breathing, exercizing and visualizing tranquil settings, most of all, ne prepared. Have questions for your audience and be prepared to respond to their questions at a specific time during presentation, bearing in mind questions can be good but can also throw off presentation. Get feedback from audience and trusted participants and use both negative and positive feedback to guide future presentations.
Prepare for presentations. Make sure that you have gathered all the materials needed to support your presentation. Prepare mentally and emotionally as well to control nervousness.
I have learnt tips on giving a good virtual presentation. I will use some of these at my next virtual faculty meeting
- Not being robotic
- Setting my lap top away from a window
- Placing the camera to minmize space above my head
It is important to know your audience! Also, to have it be effective, good to deliver a memorable presentation and make a great first impression.
It was very useful to learn how to prepare to present and how to present, such as to anticipate problems or practice recording your self.
It is important to always be prepared for presentations and get to know your audience.
I have learned that visual presentation keeps your audience engage.
Today, presentation skills are required in almost every field, I have learned that every presentation will be better if you have clearly considered the message that you want to deliver .