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Need to Delegate

I will admit that I do not delegate as much as I should. I have identified my primary reasons for not delegating as control and trust. I feel more in control when I am completing a task myself, and I don't usually trust other people to complete tasks that are ultimately my responsibility.

I have some improvement in this area. There are a few people I will delegate to, and I have seen positive results. There have been other cases where I have delegated to someone who should have been able to do the job well, and I have not gotten such good results.

I know that I need to be specific in the tasks I delegate and broaden who I am willing to delegate to. This is not something that will be easy to accomplish; I have to work on improving my attitude toward delegation and then work on improving the results I get.

I agree Rick you have to make that conscious decision to trust your staff to complete the tasks. Trust is a two way street if you do not trust them they most likely will sense this and lose trust in you.

I am right there with you Jo Ann. I also, need to make improvements in this area. I often feel like if I delegate then I will end up doing the work anyway, so why bother.

After going through these courses, I understand the importance of why delgation is important.

I am the same way. I know how it needs to be done, and I'll "fit it in" to my schedule just to make sure it's done correctly. I am very overwhelmed some days and needed to learn how to delegate correctly to save myself the added stress

As a manager, I had a problem delegating because of trust. I found I had to work through my team - they are my hands on a task. If I couldn't do that, it wouldn't be long before my team would resent me for it.

You have to trust them in order to manage them. This is a decision - you CHOOSE to trust - it's not based on emotionalism.

That's what I had to do. Surprisingly, it actually worked. (go figure)

Same here. For me, much of the decision to delegate depends on the individual's view of the big picture. Though I understand that, as a supervisor, I will not have employees who see tasks on the same level as I do, I've also learned to look for behaviors in employees which indicate their willingness to see consequences of their decisions beyond their own job descriptions.

I always try to delegate work, it keeps everyone busy.

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