Set a good example
When in a management position you must be the leader. Do things correctly and your work and that of others will be good.
This is true, so many times we all look to our supervisors for good work ethics and excellent work habits in all it's facets. If they make one wrong move we are quick to analyze and give an opinion of how we would do things better or how we would change the direction of the mistake. Everyone has a take on how they would be a leader for a group of employees.
Yes, managers should set the example and practice what they require for their employees. As a leader, one should demonstrate the benefits of following effective and positive measures which can increase company morale.
As an instructor I have an opportunity to lead by example, "walk the walk and talk the talk". I would be a model for my students by being on time, enthusistatic and treating everyone with respect.
i agree. leading by example is the best way to lead. never ask your subordinate to do something that you won't be willing to do.
Exactly right it's also true in being a leader you must first learn to follow. Lead by example do what's right, and stay on the right side of the line. These are all helpful I've learned all these as I have been in both a follower and a leader. I learned how to be a good leader by learning how to be a good follower only after I tried to be a leader first. Take it one step at a time and don't rush combined with what you said about doing things right and your work and that of others will be good.