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Time managemnt

One of the best time managment strategies for me is to ask for assistance with lengthy or long term projects. An example is marking lab floor space. This was assigned to me as a project to complete, but it was not required that I personnaly performed the tasks involved. There were other personnel available and sometimes all you have to do is ask them for help or advice. Some folks are willing and able and just plain enjoy a task that someone else may not like to do. So the measuring, marling and taping duties were shared by several who enjoyed the change of pace and were able to use some of there skills to complete the project.

Great strategy, Keith. Thanks for sharing this.

I try to print out any work sheets we may use pryor to class time. Also list the days activities (that I went over the day before)before class starts.

I agree with you Keith that co-workers do want to help and are just waiting to be asked.I find that working together can build the team. Insight on what needs to be done for the program or department can be recongized and the team goal clarified.

Planning out a class isn't the problem with me, it is more of an issue with haveing enough matterial for the day. Doing other task are an issue like further training. Making time for them and other projects that I have going on.


A good technique is to always have a thorough review planned and to have well-designed review activities available.

This shows not only good time management, but knowing your co-worker's likes and dislikes, as well as effective delegation of tasks. I also try to find ways to make others part of tasks in projects, but it is important to give these tasks with time parameters in order for delegation to work effectively.

I too try to get help with lengthy or long term projects. Unfortunately, I don't know when to supervise and when to just let the project take care of it's self. It would be very helpful to have a schedule that tells you or makes suggestions as to when you should just cut a project lose,

We also do a regular weekly inspection of lab packets that need to be updated. When getting below a certain amout copies are made well in advance of running out.

Thank you, Thomas. What are some other things you do to ensure you manage your time and the students' time when they are on campus?

Delegating and "letting things go" is something that has been difficult, but I realized that it is so much more effective (and faster) to get other co workers involved. Taking everyone's ideas and working on a project together is a great way to get to know coworkers strengths and weaknesses. It also improves working relationships.

Very difficult to do if you are responsible. however, I've found that if I empower other as a way to help me, rather that pass of an unwanted task I don't hav to worry as much. Of course I I one mid course check to ensure they are on the right track and I've had much success with this method.

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