The Insanity of Being Always Available in a Socially Connected World
I use social media daily. At times it is frustrating that I have so many channels to monitor and respond to. I have interactions daily on my blogs, my website contact form, Linkedin, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+, texting, and several email accounts. I try to be as connected as possible with students, faculty, and the community. At the same time, Other instructors do not. Am I crazy for trying to stay current with technology trends or just overextending myself? Anyone else feel this way?
I am not a big fan of social media, so I may not be the best person to answer this. I do feel a single place, whether it be a classroom webpage or a social media site, works best for interacting with students.
Jeffrey Schillinger
I think there should be a balance of staying current and overextending yourself. Such sites as Pinterest and Linkedin are not required for you to check on a daily basis; however, Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram may entice you to check daily because there are so many new postings.
I question some people who don't use social media at do you keep up with others and what's going on?
It is not possible to "keep up" with everything that is going on, nor should you feel it necessary to do so. I suggest letting your students and those others you need to stay in close contact with know how you want to be contacted and insist that they do so in that manner.
Jeffrey Schillinger