Ways to de-stress at work
Plan and organize your day. Make time to take a walk yourself. Organize your office. My stress comes from a feeling of being out of control, of being overwhelmed.
A true balance in your life always helps with stress relief. If you can practice good health habits, recreation, pleasure mental activity and spiritual rejuvenation you can have better odds on winning the day.
Dr. Gary Carlson
I agree with you - especially organizing my office. There is nothing more stressful to me to open the door to an unmitigated disaster of a desk LOL I take a little time before leaving to make sure my desk is clean and uncluttered - I find it makes a very big difference!
Organization has a calming effect on all of us. We can actually feel in better control when we are organized.
Dr. Gary Carlson
I absolutely agree!
As aoon as my productivity goes down I can tell it's time to take a break. I find that I must physically get out of my office and leave my workspace behind in order to clear my head. I've tried taking a mini-break in my office, but the longer I sit there, the more "stuff" I see that needs to get done, so I end up going right back to work instead of taking a break.
We all need to step back at times. The ability to know when to do this is the key. If we cross that line where we become over stressed is without knowing the limits becomes a health problem.
Dr. Gary Carlson
My desk has to stay organized otherwise I find myself feeling very overwhelmed and then that adds to my stress level.
Sometimes we try to multi task and our dest suffer the consequences. Focus is the key to making our lives more organized.
Dr. Gary Carlson
I have a small fountain in my office that helps me relax. It reminds me to breathe and it demands less attention than music.
I have known others that relax from running water. Water has a wonderful calming effect on us when the sounds calm the nerves. When people vacation by the ocean they enjoy the sun and waves. The same is true by living on a lake. I received a running water fall for my office from a friend.
Dr. Gary Carlson
I too de-stress with water, I have a saltwater aquarium and watching the fish swim to an fro helps me tremendously.
I agree, I too find it necessary to leave my office and building at least once a day to recharge.
Everyone has their own outlets. I it is the calming effect with relaxation accomplished then it is for you.
Dr. Gary Carlson
Stepping back once in awhile helps to clear the mind and make better decisions. I found sometimes it was good just to leave my desk and walk around the office.
Dr. Gary Carlson
A walk is always helpful, and certainly better than hitting the vending machines. It's also good to have an iPod handy for a bit of music...either soothing, or rowdy and cathartic, depending on the situation.
When you step back away from the stress for a moment you can collect your thoughts. Good technique. Remember there are many other ways of dealing with a stressful situation.
Dr. Gary Carlson