a very important factor affecting human being is stress. Stress is an inevitable factor of our make up. Though eustress can be beneficial, negative stress can impact our psyche in such ways as causing decrease of productivity, contributing to disharmony, attention deficit, malaise, poor attendance, poor judgement etc. These negative attributes may also lead to loss of job ,dysfunctional member of the family or other environment. Therefore, stress management is a vital tool to help decrease stress. This help to identify and elliminate stressors, to decrease stress by using effective technique thus allowing individuals positive, desirable performance in their environment
You have obviously got the crux of this course. Balance in the attempt to curb your stress is key. Keeping fitness, mental relaxation, recreation, health and spiritual rejuvenation in balance is how to address the negative stresses of life.
Dr. Gary Carlson
I have taught stress management classes in the past. I teach that the first thing you need to know about your stress is your breaking point, and what your indicators are that your breaking point is approaching. Once you become aware of your indicators, you must do something positive about them.
The point which each of us need to know is what we can control and what we can't. When that is established the techniques of reducing pressures that could be harmful to our health need to be practiced. A good balanced life with nutrition habits., exercise, pleasure mental acitivity and spiritual rejuvenation allows you to enjoy life and combat undue stress.
Dr. Gary Carlson
Reacting negatively to stress is almost the equivalent of intellectual and professional paralysis. I handle stress positively by focusing on preparation, almost relentless preparation, to achieve the desired outcome. This is not fool proof but is an effective coping mechanism.
Prep is great to be prepared. Plus take what you have learned and use it.
Dr. Gary Carlson