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The Vision Statement

What role does the vision statement play in the innovation process?

The role that the vision statement play is the exprestion of an ideal outcome that the innovation like to achieve. And provide a big-picture view of the positive changes that will occur once our idea is implemented.Motivates and inspires to take action with the innovation. The vision statement addresses goals that your client can identify with their or institutional values.

Thank you for your comments. The vision statement should also be a blueprint to your tactical or operations plan. This helps to make the vision a reality.

Ron Obstfeld

In this case the purpose of a vision statement is to create positive momentum for innovation implementation. It should be coherent, unifying, and motivational. It should help excite people about new innovations and assist in making decisions that will lead to successful implementation.

Dennis ,
Thank you for your reply. Good answer.

Ron Obstfeld

The statement should ideally relate what one wishes to achieve and attract people to the efforts involved with the achievement. Nonetheless, it can be a lot more than that. It can also inspire others to see the value of a proposed change or alternative to a problem. It can not only inspire, but also redefine the perception of a problem as to transform it from some ugly monster into something tractable, solvable, and worthy of effort.

So, to me, the VS is much more of a tool or platform allowing one to rally their troops, shift their perspectives, and refocus their efforts. When coupled to the desire to embody such a vision and set the pace, I think the VS can be the expressible embodiment of change leading to new ventures and processes. To me, it’s the defining moment, where the idea transitions from a sterile concept and into a goal.

The vision gives the direction and the momentum to proceed.

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