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I do believe this is an important issue. I work in a state with high multicultural influence. This aspect determines the characteristics of the students. These are not the same characteristics of the students in another state and sometimes is a real challenge for the teachers, even more in an online course.

I am absolutely agree with this opinion. I work with the same kind of students and It is a real problem

I would like to get the answers for this questions I made myself many times

Yes I believe it does. Some students are more suited for online courses than others. There are a variety of different reasons for that. Some students do not have the self discipline and time management skills that are needed to succeed in an online course. Other students do not have the proper technology resources needed to have an online class. Other students personal lives are not conducive to having such a class.

I believe student traits does have an effect on whether or not students are able to complete online courses successfully.

Some students do not have adequate resources at their disposal to be able to access online courses. Other students do not have the self discipline or motivation to complete the courses. Then there is the student whose personal life prevents them from being able to complete those same courses.

Do the characteristics of the student population influence the reasons for or against online delivery?

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