"I can't do it all"
One of the problem I am having is people from my advisory board taking my Ideas before I get a chance to do anything with it. I know my idea is not unique but for some reason or another "MY TEAM" always ends up as a one person show (that does not include me).I Get the impression they are thinking if she can do this, then so can I.
I do know I need an advisory board but they keep taking my Idea and making it their own.
* How can I choose a advisory board I can trust?
* Am I giving too much information at the meetings?
Please Help!!
Dear Valorye,
Advisory boards can be tricky, as you have found. What tasks are you asking them to participate in?
I have found that meeting with a board often requires an outside person to "run" the meeting, so you can be a participant. The main goal is to have the advisory committee help determine skills students will need, suggest how to assess those skills, match specific jobs to skills, and then prioritize and determine next steps or actions.
Put large post-its on the wall with topics, actions, or skills derived from group discussion,and give each person 5 small post-it notes. Have them place the notes (numbered 1,2,3,4,5)(anonymously) on the large post-it. With only 5 votes, the post-its make members who may otherwise procrastinate, argue the other side just for the sake of doing so, and other less than productive behaviors, actually put their votes where they really think priorities should be. Give them just 5 minutes to place each post-it. They should use all of their votes; they should not speak or try to convince others. Then give the group a break.
Go around and photograph each big post-it (for the sake of record-keeping.) Then enumerate the number of lst place, 2nd place, 3rd place votes on each big sheet. This results in a working agenda for next steps. You can do this more than once, but the key is to do it for decisions that are difficult to make in large groups without creating power factions. If an outsider is running the show for this part, then not only can you vote, but you can observe--and then take back control. Hope this helps. Linda
Thank you for the information, I'll give it a try....I really think that will help us have more order in our meetings.
Thank you!!
One suggestion you may try.
Submit all suggestions in writing ,complete with the date and who is was submitted to . Make it known or unknown your choice, a copy will be retained in your file. One other thing ,I usually recommend. numbering the suggestion, this establishes a tracking record.
advisory board is your team to advise and teach as a part of a mission.personal feeling has to take back seat to purpose. people are placed around us to reduplicate ourseleves for the better of corp purpose.Advice board in a direction without mention through living the idea and implementing into action then proposing the solution or outcome by through research and evidence and data.living it yourself the idea, show it and letting it go for the board to impleament
as funtion to the corp or staff.god gives it we think it and they the advisory board works it.
I agree that the purpose of the program is paramount.
Linda Scharp