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Policies are created and implemented from the top to the bottom of our staff. It's typically the instructors and campus directors input put forth together that creates the policies. From there, in most cases such as attendance, grading, etc. it's the instructors responsibility to implement it, and their managers to make sure they are doing so.

Online program policies are put in place by the VP of Curriculum Development. The implementation of this policy comes from the Dean of Academic Affairs.

We are in the process to develop our first online program so all hands are on deck to start creating policies and procedures

We are also developing our first online program. It's a teacher training program in which one requirement is keeping an e-portfolio to share but which will not be formally assessed in the final grade since it is a personal collection of thoughrs and ideas. We hope that teachers will be inspired to continue the portfolio throughout their teaching careeer. Will it be problematic to require it without an assessment?

I own a production makeup school. I was thinking of putting the theory portion of our curriculum on-line. I could have students do makeup application and submit pictures of their work for evaluation. But we have policies that govern student's testing -including preventing cheating. How do I know that students are doing the on-line work and not having someone else do it? Policies won't prevent dishonesty.

Online academic policies are created when resolutions to business needs are introduced during our academic management meeting. The logistics and impacts of the resolutions are defined and the policies are constructed to identify the who, what, where and when of the particular resolution implementation. The responsible agent (job role) for the implementation is decided as part of the policy finalization. Once the policy if finalized by the operations and academic teams, the policy is sent to compliance for review. If approved by compliance, it is implemented.

I would think that you should definatly go over the policies of the Board of Education and NACCAS. I would put the Director of Education in charge of putting together a Advisory Committee and geting the course and subject into place.

Our policies are created by Corporate, and they are either the same across the varying programs.

One of the online learning management systems I have used shows how long students were logged into a particular area/thread within the class. Students are unaware of this, and I wonder if they did know, if there would be the attempt to log in and remain idle. The amount of time does not reflect the student's grade, but it can help an instructor determine how much work was placed into a particular assignment.

Hello, Dimitria, This is an interesting comment. I had not thought of this, but I'm sure students have. It certainly makes the course facilitator stay on her toes.

Sorry, Korin, but I think it is starting to get to the point at which students actually expect an online component to an offline class. The days of claiming to be waiting for better technology are probably over and you will need to jump in and embrace the new online learning, for better or worse.

Most policies and procedures are already in place at an institution, sometimes some things have to be adjusted to fit the online programs. I would get with the Deans and the executives to create a think tank, to best create the proper policies for your program. I think all faculty is responsible for implementing the policies.

I am looking into an open source learning management system to implement a pilot in our school. Any recommendations?

Thank you very much in advance.

Is the Academic Department responsible for implementing them?

the entire administration is involved in launching potential on line courses. Although CEU's might be our best starting point, elective offerings might also do well. Our academic department is trying to identify the most successful starting point.

Thanks! I thought about it, after I sent the question.

We currently do not have any online programs in place and are working with a third party to develop curriculum and delivery methods. We intend on using our current on campus policies for the online program. Our on campus policies have been created by students, faculty, staff, and administration. Our on campus policies are implemented by administration and faculty. While we intend on using our current on campus policies, we understand that new policies will have to be created and implemented.

In our school online program policies were created by a committee of administrative and faculty personal under the VP of Academic Affairs. This committee created policies from standards of qualities necessary in developing online course to plagiarism policy.

In each of our campuses there is a Director of Distance Learning which is responsible to implementing those policies with each Academic Department.

We have also an academic committee and a technological committee that deals with different issues of our Distance Education Program.

We are in the process of creating and implementing online courses. At my school, the faculty, program chairs and dean are responsible to developing the online policies and it will come down the program chairs and dean to implement them.

My institution is only begining to research having online courses, however, at this time it would seem that the course developement will be made by the staff.

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