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Currently we have no online courses. For the Institute this is a huge step forward and this is what prompted my entering this class. The administrative policy will be set by the Executive Director, myself, while curriculum will be set by the facilitator with faculty teaching specific topic related classes. Our first class will be one that covers the basics of certain theory. Once both the policies and curriculum are set, it will be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.

Online academic policies should be created by the corporate office but the faculty is responsible for implementing them.

Recently my Institution went through the process of re-Accreditation. Shortly thereafter, we also underwent new accreditation. Both processes caused us to create and implement several new policies, and revamp existing ones.
In order for a new (or existing) policy to implemented, you must have feedback from all parties that would be involved. It is easy to create policies, but the real task is implementing them in a way that is efficient, error-free, and student friendly as possible.
New policy implementation should start with a committee that includes all members who have experience or knowledge with the policy being discussed. Once all the details are on the table, the key players can then organize all the steps involved, including how and when to communicate the changes, and who is responsible for overseeing the implementation.
It is easy for an institution to create the policy. The real sign a solid institution is the ability to implement the policies set forth.

The director of training with support from advisory board is responsible. Policies are developed to replicate as much as possible the ground courses. New on line policies are based on research from similar institutions

The director of training with support from advisory board is responsible. Policies are developed to replicate as much as possible the ground courses. New on line policies are based on research from similar institutions

Currently we have no online courses for the Institute, this is a huge step forward and extremely necessary if we want to remain competive with other colleges that have already implemented online courses. This is what prompted my entering this class.

Policies are set at both the corporate and course level. The director of training with support from advisory board should be responsible for the implementation

Academic Director is in charge of this responsability.

It is created at the office of distance learning in conjunction with each academic unit then submitted to the Academic Council for approval.

We are fortunate to have a Dean of Information Technology who is responsible for coordinating all online course development and policies. However, there are frequent "task forces" assigned to discuss, research, and develop the policies that ultimately become implemented.

However, perhaps the most important aspect, is that these policies are revisited and open for debate often. Faculty of online courses are very active in tweaking policies as necessary.

Our institution has also found that the most useful policies are those which are general enough to allow well-trained faculty opportunities to use professional judgement when implementing them to their own courses.

The best advice I can offer would be to gather all the staff to discuss what they have seen in best practices and discuss to see if the fit the model you are planning. Most of the time policies and or procedures have been rolled out that can be tailored to your school. If they do not fit exactly change to meet your specific needs.

Implementing on-line policies should include a number of people including but not limited to members of your faculty, advisory board members, and operations people as well. Within the existing university. a committee along with a committee chairperson should establish all of the rules, regulations, and general policies of your on-line program. Once policy is established, professional development should be held so that everyone involved is on the same page.

Who creates an implements policy within the organization first starts with where the original emphasis comes from. If a Dept of Education mandate causes a policy to be affected, then specific members of the organization responsible for that task-area are included, eventually going through compliance. The more closely-related to process, then less levels of the organization need to be involved.

Michael ,
Trying to get the stakeholders on the same page is important, you're so right about that.

Linda Scharp

So true. It is important to have consistent rules about online courses or chaos can result!

Linda Scharp

We have a Director of Online Learning that works to ensure online delivery is consitant across programs at our University. He works with the individual programs to meet their specific goals, but maintains a framework that keeps all courses in a standard format the students learn to manage through tutorials and help desks.
Policies are created as he works witht he various departments to establish guidelines and what is expected and required for each course/program.

Most of our online policies mirror our campus policies. Our Campus Director and the Director of our online program work as a team to create and implement the policies of the online program at our school.

Procedures and policies are set up by mainly the faculty with input from our advisory board. We have monthly meetings to discuss any new policies which we feel are important and should be implemented. Faculty is responsible for implementing such policies/procedures that are newly formed and making sure existing policies/procedures are also being followed.

At the school I work for the online program is created by a mixture of faculty, staff, and software engineers. We offer a very specific type of schooling and it requires great efforts form those who teach to be involved in the creation due to the nature of the work the students are being prepared to complete. Although the teachers have a large responsibly in our online program, it is still our director’s responsibility to assure all the policies are followed.

Our institution’s creation of policies is formulated from a combination of staff and faculty. We utilize each others strengthens in the areas of subject matter and the law that is required to be upheld according to the standards put in place. It is all of our jobs to ensure that we do our own part in this program and it is the director’s job to ensure that everyone is doing their job appropriately.

Currently we do not offer any online courses. I am not sure that I am totally on board with the on-line course concept. I teach at a career college that offers courses that can be completed in two semesters (30 weeks). The first semester is the basics which include a lot of is class work that the students have to be present to complete. The second semester includes a large percentage of self paced courses (labs), this, of course, depending on your major. I have noticed that the attendance rate drops dramatically when the studens enter the second semester. With this in mind I think it would be safe to say that a large percentage of students lack the motivation to complete the work outside of the classroom. I am basing this theory only on my experience as an instructor. I would also feel the need to require the students to come to the campus for testing. I am also drawing from my own experience with on-line courses. Some students think that an on-line course will be easier than a classroom course, but I think they are mistaken.

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