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Make the notebook your own and develop into the most used book in your office.

Patty Aronoff

I placed Marketing plans, Programs, fees, and Catalog to name a few.

Great idea! I will be working on that throughtout the day.

I have begun to put together a resource notebook with all of the recommended materials. I have reviewed the enrollment agreement more thoroughly.

The resource notebook is an excellent tool to make sure that I stay in compliance with all the requirements. This information usually was kept in a file cabinet along with other important documents, but I find that it is much easier to have it in the binder so the information is at my fingertips. I realize that it is extremely important to know all the terminology so that I relay the correct information to prospective students.

As of now, I am building my Resource Notebook. I have also starting building my License Renewal notebook to keep with it so I can reference back to it at anytime. I am finding it to be a great tool as long as it is kept up to date and properly organized.

L have learned how to read carefully, write carefully and ask good questions.

I don't think bookmarks are necessary as long as you have read carefully

Yes, I will make sure to keep one in my office.

We should ask good questions and read carefully the answers.

The Eenrollment agreement is very important, some students may skim over this and it's important to make sure that the student understands what they are signing.

Satisfactory Academic Progress:
All American Sentinel University degree programs require that students meet certain criteria in order to graduate.

applicants send us official transcripts from previous institutions listing courses completed, grades received, course descriptions

Transfer Credit (incoming):
based on applicant's transcripts from previous institutions, our institution informs the applicant how many transfer credits will be awarded to them at our school.

we define the duration of one course period, 8 weeks, as a term

we define the duration of two course periods, 16 weeks, as a semester.

accepting the applicant into our institution as a student, after completing the enrollment process

student registers for a specific course, with a pre-determined start and end date

I didn’t know anything about marketing regulations.

Enrollment Agreement, Commission for Independient Education, Program & Accreditation.

I too have started to put together a personal Resource Notebook with all of the materials recommended by this training course.

While I am very familiar with both my campus' and the governmental rules and regulations regarding post-secondary educational institutions (compliance and admissions representative training were huge aspects of my 5+ week training), the definitions and resources both linked to and contained within this course provide an even greater level of immersion and learning into the specifics of these rules and regulations from the rulebook itself. Definitely very useful and greatly appreciated!

-Omar E.

Some of the most common terms and definitions used during the admissions process at my institution are Enrollment Agreement, Application, Accreditation, Program, Admissions Representative, Course Catalog, and Disclosure. While we as admissions representatives of course have knowledge of these terms, it definitely helped to see the precise definitions as defined by the FL DOE and the FCIE to clear up any misconceptions that anyone may have had (for example, the difference between 'Agent' and 'Admissions Representative').

-Omar E.

The resource notebook is a great tool to make sure I stay compliant. Having the notebook readily available at my desk makes it easy to ensure I am compliant in answering prosepective student's questions.

A lot of the definations used in this course are a part of my regular vocabulary where I work. Including enrollment agreement, application and Title IV funding. Lorri

The resource notebook is an excellent tool to make sure that I stay in compliance with all the requirements, great help. Thank You

Enrollment agreement
Relase of information form
Transfer of credit policy

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