High School Student Recruitment
Hello, I am wondering what successes that any of you may have had with the seniors and If you would mind passing along any tips, pointers, etc.
It is about planting the seed early. Students often don't know what they want and where they want to go to school after high school. By planning the seed and providing information they can develop in their search of a career path.
Patty Aronoff
Planting a seed is a very important role in providing information into the fellow students. Like you said, most students don't know what they want to do even when they are in their senior year. Giving them options and choices throughout their high school careers helps in aiding this process.
The more information they receive, they are able to put it together to help them decide. As adults, we often must experience life on our own to truly understand our goals and dreams.
Patty Aronoff
I Believe informing seniors in high school about the opportunities that Remington College have to offer is very important to the prospective student. Students should have a plan while in high school and giving information on how they can better their futures is always a good way to stay proactive.
You are right on track! Getting to know the local high schools provides an opportunity for students who never would've thought about other avenues. Get to know your guidance counselors and ask to participate in career day at their institutions.
Patty Aronoff