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I LOVE the resource Notebook idea. Eveey office personnel has one in there office. Our Office Manager is in charge of bringin to our attention all the new Rules and Regulations etc.. and distributes them out to everyone. We have everything color coordinated per department for quick references

Some of the terms and definitions used in my institution are:
a. Agent is the coordinator of the program
b. Program admission requirements
c. Enrollment process
d. Accreditation
e. Interview process

Patty, so far all is well. I am familiar with most of what was discussed in the Intro; so I'm not that lost with what was mentioned. I do however have a question: In reference to the Notebook as a reference guide for Appointments is it needed or is it that as a new employee it would be beneficial for now?

Commission For Independent Education Rules
Rule 6E-1.0032 F.A.C. Fair Consumer Practices
Section 1005.38, F.S. Actions Against a Licensee and Other Penalties
Section 1005.34, F.S. Fair Consumer Practices; Condition of Operation.

I was also able to put into the Notebook our Student Catalog and Curriculum information. I will make sure to have my Notebook with me at all time so I can refer to the Commission Rules.

one of the term that we use is the word Marketing: an overall approach to promoting the school and its programs

Enrollment Process, Admission Processing,Evaluation Procedures,Accredited, Application for Enrollment and my personal favorite Interview Process.

At the LifePoint Career Institute, we use terms such as "Enrollment Agreement, Rules, Program, Institution, and Fair Consumer Practices," because we want for our students to fully understand the terms of their enrollment, what our institution and programs are all about, and want to do so in a fair and honest manner.

Some of the terms and definitions used during the admission process are program, enrollment agreement, institution, rules and scholarships.

enrollment agreement. It is a legally binding contract that is signed by applicants to licensed institutions as well as by authorized personnel at the institution. The contract forms the agreement to terms of enrollment and provides disclosures which inform consumers of important policies of the institution, which their signature indicates acknowledgement of.


Great! Continue to add additional material to assist you in your daily activities.

Patty Aronoff


Excellent! You are off to a great start! Continue to add additional documents to increase the value of your notebook.

Patty Aronoff

For your internal processes, you would be the best judge. For the state, I would recommend to start with the monthly newsletter on CIE's website to keep you informed on upcoming changes.

Patty Aronoff


Having checklists is a great tool to make sure the process has been followed and paperwork is completed.

Patty Aronoff

The Commission for Independent Education is a consumer protection agency within the Florida Department go Education. It's a win-win though, while protecting the student, they are also protecting the school.

Patty Aronoff

Having an interview with a student services representative is an interesting practice. I trust this information is shared with the education staff creating a more successful environment.

Patty Aronoff

I have placed the Commission for Independent Education regulations. Academic Catalog with the different programs that we offer along with marketing materials.I also added Enrollment agreements with terms and condition pluspolicies and procedures.

Terms and Definitions:
1.Student Placement Services - We offer lifetime career placement and advancement assistance.
2. Admission requirements -
Students must verify that they have a basic knowledge of PC desktop operation during an interview with a student services representative prior to admission.
3. Transfer credits or clock hours -
We will grant credit towards its program for prior traning or education obtained by a student, not to exceed 25% of any program, as demonstrated by the student's ability to pass the relevant certification competency exam.

My resource notebook contains the Enrollment Agreement, 2012 Academic Catalog, terms and definitions page, and a staff schedule, phone, and title list.

This follows the same materials in my previous resource notebook, which has been updated to reflect the current academic year.

I have a resourse notebook with enrollment agreement, policies and procedures and Fl. statutes when should I update? I think I should every 90 days>


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