I am putting together my Resource Book for the first time as this is my first employment since joining the military 23 years ago. It seems elementary though. As, the realible source of information to prospective students, it is very necessary to ensure you have the available information when needed. The practice of having a Resource Bookhas been excercised by all leaders in the Army. We are required to maintain a Leader's book which contains all agencies and resources available to assist our subordinates at any given time.
When I put together my book, it will definitely include the Chap 6E rules, my company profile, our class schedule, all the different education packages, information on GI Bill, Voc Rehab, and such for veterans.
Your school will also need to provide state requirements such as certification or licensure of the student after graduation in order to work in the field.
Patty Aronoff
Make sure that your prospective student understands the difference between accreditation and licensure.
Patty Aronoff
The enrollment agreement and the catalog constitute the contract with the student. They are very important documents.
Patty Aronoff
Enrollment Agreement, Application requirments, Career Services, entrance assessments- are all parts of the admission and enrollment process at our institute.
Student catalog.
enrollment agreement.
I have just started here and will be going over our resource notebook, and adding things that aren't there, especially the compliance practices. Since the enrollment agreements have been updated, I'll be sure to update those in our notebook. I have taken note of what was listed in this course and as well as what others have added to their resource notebook. From what I have read, we have been following all the rules and regulations here.
I love the idea of having a resource notebook that I can always refer back to. I keep in mine, a copy of the regulations, the definitions, marketing materials, financial aid information, school programs information and a school directory.
There are many terms and definitions that are commonly used at our instiution during the admission process. Many of them coinside with the list of terms and definitions that are listed in the first module of this course. Program, Regulations,enrollment, and enrollment agreement are general terms used on a daily basis. There are many terms that are unique to our institution and specific to our programs that all of our staff has become familiar with.
Some of the terms commonly used during admissions at my institution include accreditation, enrollment, enrollment agreement, marketing, institution, and main Florida headquarters. All of the definitions align with the way we use these terms at my institution.
Enrollment agreement.
stitching in.
follow up.
Advertising - catalog, flyers, tracked as inquiry when students call in.
Enrollment - registering student for course and collecting required registration fee.
Enrollment Agreement - contract that must be signed by student prior to starting class
Student Enrollment Agreement
Cancellation and Refund Policy
We have many terms we use. We use Clinical and Rides almost everyday since we have to enter the students hours that they do when they either go to a Hospital to do CLINICALS or if they do a RIDE with an ambulance to get the experience and to meet requirements.
I have added a new updated folder, with the CIE, New updated Enrollment Agreement, I have a new School Catalog with the latest addendum since we have been changing our curriculum and tuition randlomly. Also I do keep a copy of program and school disclosures. This is just to name a few of the things I have, But as I do this training again this year, I will add new things as I go along.
ENROLLMENT and REGISTRATION: One in the same? Is "registering" a student for a particular program which involves a registration fee actually the same as enrolling a student in the program? The definition of enrollment states the process of registering a student when such "registration" obligates the student to pay tuition and obligates the institution to provide instruction. Registering for a program does not obligate either party.
Both terms are frequently used at our campus.
Career Planning Session- Taking the time to get to know your prospective student and what their future goals are and why the want to pursue their education.
Agent is an admissions representative.
We do use enrollment to refer to when a student registers for classes.
We have an enrollment agreement also.
I have added to my Resource Notebook-
The Commission For Independent Education Rules
Rule 6E-1.0032, F.A.C., Fair Consumer Practices
Section 1005.38, F.S. Actions Against a Licensee and Other Penalties, Section 1005.34, F.S. Fair Consumer Practices; Condition of Operation, our institution's enrollment agreement, school catalog and student handbook, as well as a breakdown of all required admissions forms and literature pertaining to enrollment into the institution. I have learned that there is quite a bit of information pertaining to the enrollment process and things can easily be missed or misinterpreted to a student and so I have learned to refer back to my Resource Notebook in any uncertainty when giving information to a perspective student to ensure that we stay in compliance.
At the campus I work at there are three programs: Phlebotomy/EKG, EMT & Paramedic. These terms are used constantly whether someone is calling to inquire about a program or if a current class is being discussed. EMT means Emergency Medical Technician.