If you know your enrollment paperwork from front to back you will never after worry about giving a wrong answer!
We need to know the paperwork for compliance. We also need to answer the hard questions that don't fit the norm.
Patty Aronoff
Is there a certain order that everything should be put in our Resource notebook?
I agree that you do need to know your EA from front to back in order to give accurate information, but it is also important to keep in the back of your head that policies and procedures, laws and rules, change regularly so it is important to keep up with the advances. Department meetings would be a good way to inform employees of these new guidelines.
Any way you want it! That is the beauty of building your notebook. Make it specific to your needs.
Patty Aronoff
Agrred! We always need to be on top of our game when it comes to full knowledge of the rules and regulations.
Patty Aronoff