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You need to give all the information students need to know about Domain Transfer credit with other institutions

Transfer credit is determined by the receiving institution. The statement is included in the catalog and it should be repeated to the student so that they understand the process. The student's responsibility to seek out transfer credits.

Patty Aronoff

So to understand this correctly, If a student graduates from a private institution that is not accredited, gets the certification from the state, suddenly decides he wants to go to another accredited institution to get his AS degree lets say, it's up to that recieving institution to accept it.

You are correct. It is stated in the catalog and also the student is informed that at the time of the enrollment.

Patty Aronoff

I find that it is imperative to explain about your school transfer of credits. Students assume that the school they want to enroll in will automatically accept their credits from the other school. Keep in mind you may lose them as a potential student because your school may not accept prior credit. It is up to your institution.

You are correct! The receiving institution makes the determination upon the transferability of credits. After all when the student has transfer credits, your school ultimately gives the degree.

Patty Aronoff

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