Transfer of Credits
Our institution does require sealed transcripts for students' files.
Is it a good practice however to begin processing from unofficial transcripts so that the students can have an idea of what credits will be accepted?
Everyone should require sealed official transcripts for the student file. It is the only true document of record.
Patty Aronoff
When a student ask me can we except credits from another school. I always tell them we have to do and audit first on their transqript to see if we can except any credits. I always do that before enrolling them.So that the student can see if any credits will transfer before making a decision.
It should be done before the student starts school. It can affect financial aid and the courses that the student is required to take.
Patty Aronoff
It is critical to have transcripts within student files. Starting off with the unofficial scripts helps but need to assure officials are in house before class start
You may review unofficial, but only the official will be accepted. It must be issued to the school and cannot be issued to the student.
Patty Aronoff
Yes we must accept only official, and is better from the previous school, official and sealed.
Transcripts should only received as an official documents in sealed envelopes directed to the school. Schools should not accept transcripts issued to the student.
Patty Aronoff