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Excellent! It's great to be part of the Organization as it grows.

Patty Aronoff


You really get to know the students as well. Bring part of their growth with their courses and seeingthe results when they graduate.

Patty Aronoff

That is for sure,

When tasks become difficult, team members come together and assist one another. It is the only way to get things done at times, especially when there are not enough employees to assign to a specific task at all times

Out of curiosity, in your experience, is there a type of organizational structure (e.g., matrix vs. non-matrix) which you find to best deliver a high quality student experience?

John ,
That is the beauty of working in teams. Even though we have our individual job duties, we work together for the best student experience.

Patty Aronoff


Every organization is different. As long as we put the student first, the organizational structure established by your school will serve you best by providing student success.

Patty Aronoff

A few surprises when it comes to some of the lateral department heads, but nothing other than that. The structure is hard to follow when it comes to knowing who your direct report will be.

The organizational structure is very organized, even with the process of expanding the school.


The organizational chart can be built based on positions, departments, or staff. Whichever chart you use it is important to understand so that we may provide excellent customer service to our students.

Patty Aronoff


It's so much different seeing your organization on a chart. We began to see the relationships and especially with the school that is growing how the growth will affect the school operations.

Patty Aronoff

No surprises at a branch location. However, their are way too many chiefs at the home office location.

Our organizational chart is very clear and to the point. Everybody knows there job and who the need to report to.


Interesting fact. This is where your organizational chart is very revealing.

Patty Aronoff

Jane ,

Excellent! An organizational chart provides clear direction of who reports to who and which department is responsible for their activities.

Patty Aronoff

Having clear lines of authority and having a chart to know exactly who to report to can save a lot of time and misunderstandings or repetitiveness.

Isn't it! You know where the boundaries are and who to contact when questions arise.

Patty Aronoff

After reviewing the organizational structure of my institution, I was pleasantly surprised to see the different divisions and sub-divisions within the chart. There is no questioning who works for who, or with who, and the roles that are done. We have recently undergone an ownership change and the new ownership is very precise with organization - very nice!

In our organizational stucture there are many changes going on as we are a small university and we were purchased by a much larger entity. They are expanding our workforce which was needed. Some directors or vice presidents wore too many hats.

Ours is very clear and easy to figure out.

Our organizational structure is ever changing! We have historically been a small operation overall and we are rapidly growing in programs and student size as a result. We are in a constant state of flux which makes reassigning and taking on new responsibilities tough to track sometimes. I am confident that our leadership is doing a great job at tracking all of this as the dust settles as we maintain compliance in various departments.

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