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The organizational structure at our institution is very sound. We have gone through some major changes over the last few years but have now found a working structure. Knowing and understanding positions and hierarchy is integral in our organization. It is very cool to see the positive change of flow as structure have been more clearly defined.

Librarians or Learning Resource Center Coordinators usually report to the Director of Education.

Patty Aronoff

David ,
It takes ev3ryone on the organizational chart to grow a graduate. We are their educational family.

Patty Aronoff

We do need to know how we are structured and where major responsibilities lie.

Patty Aronoff

Much like the other representatives, our school is centered around the student. All department heads and support staff hold a function within the organization to support the student from their first phone call to placement. There weren't many surprises when reviewing our organizational chart. There are some that we may not interact every day with in Admissions, but we know how vital they are to the overall success of each and every enrollment, student, graduate and the overall operation of the institution. Even facilities management serves its vital role in making the campuses a better place.

This is a tough one. The chart starts with me and pretty much ends with me. Not a lot of room to delegate.

I am glad that you took time to review the organizational chart. It really does bring everything together in a picture sense.

Patty Aronoff

Oh dear! That bears much responsibility on your shoulders.

Patty Aronoff

All departments and their staff provide support to the student from the moment contact is made with admissions, because if there arises a question everyone is there to clarify the doubts of our new students and equally in the course of life student's career and his first job tracking.

We, the staff of our institution, take pride in student's satisfaction throughout the courses we offer, thefore as an admission's representative i review the organizational structure ever so often. This course is already giving me new vision to improve on the admission's process.Thanks to you all.

Very similar to the Chart 3.1 example with some exceptions of course. We have an education management corporation, a board of directors, executive mgmt and senior leadership, plus presidents of each specific school -- from there each school/entity has it's own executive leadership, regional and district leadership, state leaders, and then down to the individual local campus' org charts, and the online campus org chart... which gets back to the Org Charg 3.1 example. Hopefully, due to growth and expansion plans of (some of) the various schools under our main corporate umbrella, these positions will start to increase in number and growth opportunity.


We can certainly try to clarify any outstanding question and erase doubt. Most people need reassurances when they are venturing out of their comfort zone.

Patty Aronoff


Student satisfaction based on their experience with you carries so much weight. We share our experiences with others both good and bad.

Patty Aronoff


You can quickly see that there are many people involved in creating a graduate. We must work together in order to make it happen. takes a village!

Patty Aronoff

Our organizational structure is strong so no surprises for us

That is great to hear. Surprises in business should only be those of greatness.

Patty Aronoff

We are a small graduate university so our structure is very straight forward. There is an academic organization structure that includes President, Vice President, Deans, Directors and Faculty. There is also the Administrative side that includes departments like Student Services, Clinical Education, Financial Aid, etc. Some individuals or departments are part of both sides of the organizational structure but it does not seem overly complicated.

No I think are structure is very simple for every on to understand. For employees and students a like, It is very clear to everyone what there role is.

Our organization starts with a board of directors. They provide the vision and guidance for the school to meet it's mission. From there the president various department heads perform to their duty requirements with the primary objective of providing the students with a quality product.

Our institution is relatively small and the organizational structure is separated into two divisions: academic and administrative. The Student Services department, which includes admissions and registrar, reports directly to the President, which raises the level of accountability of those departments.

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