When teachers have to plan their lessons to apply with the CTE, they have to ask themselves questions. For example, they have to ask themselves how will it make the student's mind work and will they be able to connect this lesson with the list of 17 items that could use help. They also have to get creative and make sure that their assignments are intriguing for the students, but also in the CTE path. One example of what I would do would be a survival plan. It would get the students thinking about who they want to be trapped with, what they can create to survive. Then, they can implement those same survival skills and improve them. Like water purification or food rationing.
We are all problem solvers, if you’re a teacher, parent, engineer Uber driver etc. We all have to think critically and facilitate critically problems solving in our CTE Classes. The situation we are currently in with Covid-19 is a great opportunity to help students solve problems and think about the consequences of our action intended and unintended.
I agree with you since teachers especially CTE need to apply critical thinking questions to their students. However, I think CTE should apply more real-life situations or find solutions to current problems in our society because that is the job of future engineers, creating solutions. Preparing them to analyze and research relevant issues would be more beneficial to them and our future society.